- I have an incredible passion for this industry and believe me as a male performer it's not for the money. It's more about being a part of something that is much bigger than you are and something people will remember you [for] after you're gone.
- I got into directing because I have always been into writing and love the process of turning an idea in your mind into something you can visually share with others. It's my way of expressing a vision in my head. Directing without a doubt is probably one of the hardest ventures to tackle. It took three years knocking on doors and pitching movie ideas in which some ended up being stolen and done by the very same people I pitched them to. I opened my own company and secured funding to make my first feature.
- The fun part of writing and directing has to be when I write a screenplay and a new character starts to take on a certain personality. I then think of someone that I know in the industry that fits that character and write with him or her in mind to play it. Certain phrases they say [or] a type of mannerism they have. Or what's even better is when you have them play the opposite of who they are. Being talent and working with these people all these years I've taken note to know most of the actors' and actresses' strong and weak points. Directing an actor is much easier for someone playing a character that is much like their own personality, or polar opposite if they have a good sense of humor and can make fun of themselves.
- [on his horror porn parodies] I have always been a true fan of horror. It taps into every insecurity and fear of mortality. I'm more into the psychological ones than the gore fests but all around horror movies are indeed my favorite. As for what inspired me to do horror porn than the average fuck film that's easy. Obviously I'm not afraid to do things a little different. I figured to do what I love and in a way that will completely stand out. Whether it is ridiculous comedy or horror. Besides, sex and fear are actually very similar: They both heighten your senses and keep you stimulated. That's why you bring a date to a scary movie; so they can cling onto your arm, right?
- I would not suggest this business for girls who are just looking for a quick buck. There's nothing worse than a girl [who] is only showing up for a paycheck. Just ask any director, producer, or male performer in the industry. It really does show on camera. However, if you have a good head on your shoulders, you genuinely want to be in this industry, and this is something you're looking to get into as a career move then I'm sure you'll do fine.
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