City the Great
- Actor
- Music Department
Brooklyn, NY Artist and CEO of Certified Nation Entertainment (CNE), City The
Great born Ronald Dixon developed a passion for hip-hop at an early age. City wrote his first song titled, "F**k School" at the age of 9. After the loss of his father at age 11 and experiencing a near brush with death himself, City's anguish was further
heightened by his mother falling ill. By this time, a lot of pressure was placed on
him as he cared for his younger sibling. The fear, hurt and rage he felt fueled City
to utilize his pen and write. His passion grew and he wrote vigorously each day.
As a teenager, City began to take his craft more seriously, hosting and competing
in various hip-hop battle ciphers. Winning many, he continued to pursue a career
in music and released his first CD, titled The Journal. He acquired the nick name
"Ill Dramatic" by his peers due to his lyrical ability of painting a picture much like
artist, Nas. City was granted access to the nuances of the industry but chose the
indie music route. He released several mix tapes online, frequently participated in
shows and took interviews to promote his music and brand. Globally, City
received notice after connecting with Certified Hitz Music Group's founder DJ Bad
and Philadelphia underground producer Mizzy Beats.
Through the success of mix tapes, "Reloaded" and "Carry The Casket" and
overseas buzz, City established several business relationships and collaborations
with many including Jinxy Music, Charlie Brown of LESFLO Entertainment,
producers Pluto and Buck 3000. Eventually, City caught the attention of hip-hop
alumni, Special Ed. Impressed by City's talent, Ed focused on signing City as his
first artist on his label, Semedia (formerly SEMI Records). He has since released
several projects including studio album, The Inevitable and the Why Not EP.
In 2021, City and his CNE team established a partnership with the legendary Kool
Rock Ski (Disco 3/ The Fat Boys). City and the team participated and performed at
Kool Rock's event, the 1st Annual Classic Hip-Hop and R&B Cookout. Kool Rock
passed the torch to City and fellow CNE artists, It's Only Write and Pengame
Classic. From there the deal was sealed to orchestrate the event every year along
with events and projects in between. As City continues to create music and
elevate, he maintains his goal of reaching the masses through his story telling and
bringing the true elements of hip-hop back into the forefront.