We all like to think we're a bit funny - funniness is one of the most prized attributes of a person. But being funny for a living is much harder work than it looks. Director Jordan Brady, once a comic himself, enlists the help of 80s TV star Ritch Shydner to meet some of America's finest stand-ups to find out what it takes to get to the top of the stand-up circuit, and how hard it is to stay there.
- 27/05/2011
- Sky TV
Directed by Jordan Brady Starring over 80 different stand-ups “The Best Comedy Is Always Some Version of the Truth” The new documentary “I Am Comic” out today on DVD is really two different films running alongside one another. One of them is the story of retired comic Ritch Shydner, recruited by the director to aid in the process of getting as many different comics to tell their stories about the day to day life of a standup comedian. Shydner when actively working in the 80’s had a fair amount of success with a number of HBO specials along with multiple...
- 12/10/2010
- par David Voigt, Toronto Independent Film Examiner
- Examiner Movies Channel
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