Some films are built from Wtf moments. Case in point: I have finally seen The Mutilator (1984), an unnaturally entertaining hack ‘em up from a period when the dirt had all but covered the coffin of the overworked subgenre. And this film has more than its share of Wtf – in fact, it acts as a Viking funeral for slashers of the era, an absurd catalogue of tropes transmitted with an ‘80s sitcom aesthetic and just as eager to please. What a sight to behold.
Aka Fall Break (a name that will be seared onto your brain pan within the first 15 minutes, trust me), The Mutilator was filmed in North Carolina by local boy Buddy Cooper, who came into some money and decided to either make a movie or buy a winery. And old Buddy boy sure made the right choice – no wine could be sweeter (or more fragrant) than this glorious display of splatter cinema.
Aka Fall Break (a name that will be seared onto your brain pan within the first 15 minutes, trust me), The Mutilator was filmed in North Carolina by local boy Buddy Cooper, who came into some money and decided to either make a movie or buy a winery. And old Buddy boy sure made the right choice – no wine could be sweeter (or more fragrant) than this glorious display of splatter cinema.
- 26.3.2016
- von Scott Drebit
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