- Geboren am
- GeburtsnameVanessa Chantal Paradis
- Größe1,60 m
- Vanessa Paradis wurde am 22 Dezember 1972 in Frankreich geboren. Sie ist Schauspielerin und Komponistin, bekannt für Der Auftragslover (2010), Die Frau auf der Brücke (1999) und Weiße Hochzeit (1989). Sie ist seit dem 30 Juni 2018 mit Samuel Benchetrit verheiratet.
- EhepartnerSamuel Benchetrit(30. Juni 2018 - Gegenwart)
- Kinder
- VerwandteAlysson Paradis(Sibling)
- Gapped front teeth
- Dedicated her 2000 album "Bliss" to Johnny Depp and their daughter Lily.
- Is the face of Coco Chanel.
- Was in a relationship with Johnny Depp from 1998 to 2012. They have two children together - a daughter Lily-Rose Depp (Lily-Rose Melody Depp; b. May 27, 1999) and a son Jack Depp (John Christopher Depp III; b. April 29, 2002).
- (June 30, 2018) Married her boyfriend of 19 months Samuel Benchetrit in a small schoolhouse town hall in Saint-Simeon, a commune located one hour west of Paris in north-central France. The couple became engaged last November after they worked together on the film Chien (2017), which screened this May at the Cannes Film Festival.
- Sang with Johnny Depp and Iggy Pop at a concert.
- I liked to play dress-up.
- Love is the strongest and most fragile thing we have in life.
- I realize how unique my path has been. And I'm thankful for that.
- My mum told me to have patience. It's about realising that when things aren't going the way you want them to, or you don't have inspiration, it will come.
- Life is like the ocean, it goes up and down.
- Der Auftragslover (2011) - 300,000 Euros plus 1,000,000 Euros of film's final gross
- Mon ange (2005) - €250,000
- The Magic Roundabout (2005) - €500,000
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