- Geboren am
- Verstorben27. Juli 2022 · Topanga, Kalifornien, USA (Krebs)
- GeburtsnameAnthony Lee Dow
- Größe1,73 m
- Tony Dow wurde am 13 April 1945 in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA geboren. Er war Schauspieler und Regisseur, bekannt für Erwachsen müsste man sein (1957), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993) und Babylon 5 (1993). Er war mit Lauren Carol Shulkind und Carol Marie Theresa Marlow verheiratet. Er starb am 27 Juli 2022 in Topanga, California, USA.
- EhepartnerLauren Carol Shulkind(16. Juni 1980 - 27. Juli 2022) (er verstorben)Carol Marie Theresa Marlow(14. Juni 1969 - 10. März 1980) (geschieden, 1 Kind)
- Kinder
- ElternJohn Stevens Dow Jr.
- VerwandteDion(Sibling)
- In 2007 the 62-year-old Dow, the 59-year-old Jerry Mathers and 91-year-old Barbara Billingsley celebrated the 50th anniversary of Erwachsen müsste man sein (1957) by reuniting and inaugurating the 24-hour TV-Land marathon.
- Is a modern-art sculptor and represented exclusively by Karen Lynne Gallery in Beverly Hills, CA. One of his bronze pieces was on display in the backyard garden of his one-time TV mom Barbara Billingsley. Now a grandfather, he and his wife Lauren lived close to Billingsley before her 2010 death at age 93.
- His mother was Muriel Montrose, a stunt woman in early Westerns, Clara Bow's double and a Mack Sennett Bathing Beauty. His father was John Stevens Dow, Jr., a designer and contractor.
- One of his bronze sculptures was accepted at 2008's Societe Nationale des Beaux-Arts, a 150-year-old art show staged annually at the Louvre in Paris, France.
- Joined the US Army National Guard in 1965.
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