99 Homes
Written by Ramin Bahrani and Amir Naderi. Story by Ramin Bahrani and Bahareh Azimi
Directed by Ramin Bahrani
USA, 2015
“America doesn’t bail out losers, America bails out winners!” preaches Richard Carver (Michael Shannon), like a modern day Gordon Gekko of real estate to the young, innocent but determined Dennis Nash (Andrew Garfield). This is what the American dream is now. It’s not enough to work hard anymore, achieving the American dream is to win at all costs. Ramin Bahrani’s examination of the American dream and the corrupt nature of it follows Dennis Nash, a young father who with his son and mother (Laura Dern) are evicted from their family home. To get it all back, Dennis begins working for the man responsible for his troubles, greedy real estate broker Richard Carver. This is the American dream.
Bahrani paces the film with the mechanics of a well-oiled and precisely constructed thriller,...
Written by Ramin Bahrani and Amir Naderi. Story by Ramin Bahrani and Bahareh Azimi
Directed by Ramin Bahrani
USA, 2015
“America doesn’t bail out losers, America bails out winners!” preaches Richard Carver (Michael Shannon), like a modern day Gordon Gekko of real estate to the young, innocent but determined Dennis Nash (Andrew Garfield). This is what the American dream is now. It’s not enough to work hard anymore, achieving the American dream is to win at all costs. Ramin Bahrani’s examination of the American dream and the corrupt nature of it follows Dennis Nash, a young father who with his son and mother (Laura Dern) are evicted from their family home. To get it all back, Dennis begins working for the man responsible for his troubles, greedy real estate broker Richard Carver. This is the American dream.
Bahrani paces the film with the mechanics of a well-oiled and precisely constructed thriller,...
- 02/02/2015
- di Dylan Griffin
- SoundOnSight
The following is a nationwide listing of theaters and their summer repertory programs. If you would like to list your theater, please send an email with all relevant information to pete.keeley@backstage.com.CALIFORNIALa Jolla PlayhouseP.O. Box 12039La Jolla, CA 92039858-550-1070, fax: 858-550-1075information@ljp.orgwww.lajollaplayhouse.orgChristopher Ashley, artistic directorEquity Lort B contractNon-EquityCasting: Casts productions in-house and through independent casting directors by invitation only. Send pics and résumés to above address, attn: Casting. See website for more information. Internships availableSeason: April-October. Shows: “Hands on a Hardbody,” “An Iliad,” “Glengarry Glen Ross,” three additional shows including a new musical Tba.Marin Shakespeare CompanyP.O. Box 4053San Rafael, CA 94913415-499-4485, fax: 415-499-1492management@marinshakespeare.orgwww.marinshakespeare.orgRobert S. Currier, artistic director; Lesley Schisgall Currier, managing directorEquity Loa referenced to Lort contractNon-EquityCasting: Casts productions in-house. Send pics and résumés to Robert Currier. Please see website for specific audition dates and information.
- 23/02/2012
- di help@backstage.com ()
- backstage.com
CALIFORNIALa Jolla PlayhouseP.O. Box 12039La Jolla, CA 92039(858) 550-1070, fax (858) 550-1075information@ljp.orgwww.lajollaplayhouse.orgChristopher Ashley, artistic directorEquity Lort B contractNon-EquityCasting: Casts productions in-house and through independent casting directors by invitation only. Send pix and resumes to above address, attn: Casting. See website for more information. Internships availableSeason: June - September. Shows: "Surf Report" (June); "A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder" (September); "Ruined" (November); "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (July); "Notes From the Underground" (September)Marin Shakespeare CompanyP.O. Box 4053San Rafael, CA 94913(415) 499-4485, fax (415) 499-1492management@marinshakespeare.orgwww.marinshakespeare.orgRobert S. Currier, artistic director; Lesley Currier, managing directorEquity Loa referenced to Lort contractNon-EquityCasting: Casts productions in-house. Send pix and resumes to Robert Currier. Please see website for specific audition dates and information.Internships and/or apprenticeships available.Season: July - September. Shows: "Travesties" (July 2-Aug. 15); "The Taming of the Shrew" (July 16-Sep. 26); "Antony and Cleopatra" (Aug. 20-Sep. 25)Pcpa Theaterfest800 S.
- 25/02/2010
- backstage.com
For Equity contract information, refer to our complete listings online at www.backstage.com/spotlight. If your company is not listed but you would like to be included in next year's list, contact Laura A. Butler, Research Editor, at Back Stage, at lbutler@backstage.com.California La Jolla Playhouse P.O. Box 12039 La Jolla, CA 92039 (858) 550-1070, fax (858) 550-1075 www.lajollaplayhouse.org Christopher Ashley, artistic director Casting: Casts productions in-house and through independent casting directors by invitation only. Send pix & resumes to above address, Attn: Casting. See website for more information. Internships available. Season: Mandell Weiss Forum Theatre: Continuous City (March 19 - 22). Future schedule Tba. Marin Shakespeare Company P.O. Box 4053 San Rafael, CA 94913 (415) 499-4485, fax (415) 499-1492 management@marinshakespeare.org www.marinshakespeare.org Robert S. Currier, artistic director Casting: Casts productions in-house. Send pix & resumes to: Robert Currier. Please see website for specific audition dates and information. Internships and/or apprenticeships available.
- 26/02/2009
- backstage.com
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