- Geboren am
- GeburtsnameDaniel César Martín Brühl González
- Größe1,77 m
- Daniel Brühl wurde am 16 Juni 1978 in Spanien geboren. Er ist Schauspieler und Produzent, bekannt für Inglourious Basterds (2009), Rush - Alles für den Sieg (2013) und Good Bye Lenin! (2003). Er ist mit Felicitas Rombold verheiratet. Sie haben zwei Kinder.
- EhepartnerFelicitas Rombold(? - present) (2 Kinder)
- KinderAnton Hanno
- ElternMarisa González
- VerwandteOliver(Sibling)Miriam(Sibling)
- Is fluent in Catalan, English, French, Spanish and German.
- He was raised trilingual (German, Catalan and Spanish).
- Being a pacifist, he was a conscientious objector and did civilian service.
- Was born in Barcelona to a Spanish mother and a German father. Said in an interview that the reason he was born in Spain was that his mother didn't trust German hospitals and the family returned to Cologne soon after his birth. He spent a lot of his summers in Barcelona though.
- Daniel's father was German director Hanno Brühl, who was born in São Paulo, Brazil. Daniel's mother is Spanish.
- We Germans should know that we're good at constructing cars and we have a lot of good qualities. But we're not the funniest.
- [on owning the 'Bar Raval' in Berlin-Kreuzberg] My cooking skills are not the best. That's why I decided to open a restaurant. I have some great chefs and professional cooks who do very, very good Spanish food, Spanish tapas in Berlin. Still far away from a Michelin star.[2015]
- A dream my girlfriend and I have is to move to New York for a year or two because we just love the city. I would take some acting classes.
- Eating is my main hobby now, and most of what I do on the weekend revolves around that.
- I always try to start my weekend by running on the beach, which is great fun here in Barcelona.
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