- Geboren am
- Verstorben25. November 1999 · Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA (Komplikationen nach einer Herzoperation)
- Spitznamen
- William Benedict
- Bill Benedict
- Billy Benedict
- William 'Billy' Benedict wurde am 16 April 1917 in Haskell, Oklahoma, USA geboren. Er war Schauspieler, bekannt für Die Rechnung ging nicht auf (1956), Der Clou (1973) und Lucky Losers (1950). Er war mit Dolly verheiratet. Er starb am 25 November 1999 in Los Angeles, California, USA.
- EhepartnerDolly(1969 - ?)
- After leaving the Bowery Boys series, he worked predominantly as an assistant in making miniature sets.
- Married for the first time in 1969, while working on "Hello, Dolly"--to a girl named Dolly.
- Interviewed in Tom Weaver's book, "They Fought in the Creature Features" (McFarland & Co., 1994).
- [on the "Bowery Boys" and other quickies he made for Monogram Pictures] We had a lot of fun, but we really worked hard. They were almost like shooting miniature serials. We did a lot of them in three days and three nights.
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