- Geboren am
- Verstorben29. September 1988 · New York City, New York, USA (Herzattacke)
- GeburtsnameCharles Samuel Addams
- Spitzname
- Chas
- Charles Addams wurde am 7 Januar 1912 in Westfield, New Jersey, USA geboren. Er war Autor und Schauspieler, bekannt für Die Addams Family (1991), Die Addams Family in verrückter Tradition (1993) und Eine Leiche zum Dessert (1976). Er war mit Lady Colyton, Barbara Jean Day und Marilyn Matthews Miller verheiratet. Er starb am 29 September 1988 in New York City, New York, USA.
- EhepartnerLady Colyton(1954 - Oktober 1956) (geschieden)Barbara Jean Day(1943 - 1950) (geschieden)Marilyn Matthews Miller(? - September 29, 1988) (er verstorben)
- Drew cartoons with a macabre sense of humor akin to Edward Gorey but without the malice of the latter.
- Macabre humor
- Television producer David Levy approached Addams with an offer to create a series based on his "Addams Family" cartoons (they met at the Palace Hotel lobby in New York). The Family was distinct characters but without personality, so Addams gave his characters names and more characteristics for the actors to use in portrayals. And so was born Die Addams Family (1964).
- Died behind the wheel of his Audi 4000 outside his Manhattan apartment, after suffering a fatal heart attack.
- He married his third and final wife, Marilyn Matthews Miller in a pet cemetery.
- At one point, his second wife Barbara got him to take out a $100,000 insurance policy. Addams consulted a lawyer on the sly, who later humorously wrote, "I told him the last time I had word of such a move was in a picture called Frau ohne Gewissen (1944) starring Barbara Stanwyck, which I called to his attention." In the movie, Stanwyck's character plotted her husband's murder; however, no one has accused Barbara Barb Addams of attempting the same.
- He attended the University of Pennsylvania in 1930-1931. Situated on the campus is a fine-arts building named after him, in front of which is a sculpture of the silhouettes of the Addams Family.
- His original description of Gomez Addams: "Husband to Morticia, if indeed they are married at all... a crafty schemer, but also a jolly man in his own way... though sometimes misguided... sentimental and often puckish - optimistic, he is in full enthusiasm for his dreadful plots... is sometimes seen in a rather formal dressing gown... the only one who smokes."
- His original description of Morticia Addams: "The real head of the family... low-voiced, incisive and subtle, smiles are rare... ruined beauty... contemptuous and original and with fierce family loyalty... even in disposition, muted, witty, sometimes deadly... given to low-keyed rhapsodies about her garden of deadly nightshade, henbane and dwarf's hair..."
- His original description of Pugsley Addams: "An energetic monster of a boy... blond red hair, popped blue eyes and a dedicated troublemaker, in other words the kid next door... genius in his own way, he makes toy guillotines, full-size racks, threatens to poison his sister, can turn himself into a Mr. Hyde with an ordinary chemical set... his voice is hoarse... is sometimes allowed an occasional cigar."
- His original description of Wednesday Addams: "Child of woe is wane and delicate... sensitive and on the quiet side, she loves the picnics and outings to the underground caverns... a solemn child, prim in dress and, on the whole, pretty lost... secretive and imaginative, poetic, seems underprivileged and given to occasional tantrums... has six toes on one foot..."
- His original description of Fester Addams: "Uncle Fester is incorrigible and except for the good nature of the family and the ignorance of the police, would ordinarily be under lock and key... the eyes are pig-like and deeply embedded... he likes to fish, but usually employs dynamite... he keeps falcons on the roof which he uses for hunting... his one costume, summer and winter is a black great coat with an enormous collar... he is fat with pudgy little hands and feet."
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