- Acting in the theatre is fun, acting in film is work.
- I don't get acting jobs because of my looks.
- [1997] I'm starting to feel I have to cure my addiction to Hollywood money, because while it's delightful, it's also insidious.
- Some guys smoke good Dominicans, other guys smoke great Jamaicans. I only smoke the best - Havanas!
- [on Tina Fey] Tina is smart, funny, beautiful... Devoted, tough, respected... Now if she'd only work on her posture.
- (on Ramon "Bong" Revilla, Jr.) The comments of some Philippine government officials come as no surprise to me, either. Even the one by a former action film star-turned-Senator who beckoned me to come to the Philippines so he could "beat" me over my comment.
- [on Meryl Streep] I have worshiped Meryl for so long that I would have played her driver or her chiropractor.
- Men are literally lying in bed with their wives when the marriage is essentially over thinking, "I've got to get the hell out of here", and have a fantasy woman in mind. Then you get divorced, meet a woman, marry her and, by the time all that goes by, you've aged a few years and are ready to go back to your ex-wife. You want a woman who is sane and normal. A woman who is more like you. You've gotten older.
- [on Charlie Sheen's 2011 public meltdown] I think Charlie just needs a good night's sleep. He seems wound a little tight.
- Remember, sex is like a Chinese dinner. It ain't over 'til you both get your cookie.
- [on why he named his daughter Ireland] Because she's beautiful but can't manage her finances.
- There are people who would rather choke than go see my movies. They write me letters all the time.
- I wanted to be president of the United States. I really did. The older I get the less preposterous the idea seems.
- [on Chris Farley] Whenever I was watching Chris perform I would think, "How do I get where he's at? How do I get to be as funny and as honest and as warm?".
- You know, Hollywood does draw some very strange characters, and then the power of Hollywood and what they can do with it becomes like a blood sport to them.
- [on William Holden, the star he most admires] There's three things: there's masculinity, there's intelligence, there's sensitivity. You've got to bring those three things to a leading man's role. In some people there's a little too much in the mix of one or the other. With Holden it was always the perfect mix.
- I think I do want to go into politics. I really, really do. And I don't know if I will. You have to stop and ask a lot of whys. Run for the glory? Run to complete some missing piece of myself? I can keep doing what I'm doing for a living now and be perfectly happy.
- I just want to say: The worst cases you never hear about. Hollywood studios bury that stuff - actors who punch directors in the face and try to run producers over with cars - insanity, criminal behavior. But the studios are invested in that star, they can't have that person's name dirtied up.
- I'm at the age where, in the Tennessee Williams canon, all that's available is Shannon [in "The Night of the Iguana"]. After that it's Big Daddy.
- [on stage acting, as in "Orphans" on Broadway] Rehearsal is painful. Not knowing the lines, not having a mastery of the text is painful, because until you have it you can't play the scenes. When we're up onstage now I kind of dig it. It's fun. Though I know half the audience is going to like it for the wrong reason, half of them are not going to like it for the wrong reason. You just do the show.
- [after being arrested for cycling his bike the wrong way down Fifth Avenue] New York City is a mismanaged carnival of stupidity that is desperate for revenue and anxious to criminalize behavior once thought benign.
- [after being arrested for a traffic infraction] New York City is a mismanaged carnival of stupidity that is desperate for revenue and anxious to criminalize behavior once thought benign.
- [on The Godfather (1972)] It's like a drug. It takes away your free will. You're going to watch this movie, whether you planned on it or not.
- Before 30 Rock (2006) I had always given a percentage of my income to charity. I'm not blowing my horn about it. Most people give, I think. But when I learned that "30 Rock" was going into syndication, I entered into a very lucrative agreement with Capital One, and I gave nearly every dime to charity. That's why I did the commercials. I got addicted to giving the money away.
- [2012] I've had a very average film career. The average career is that 25 per cent of the films you do are good, or very good. Twenty-five percent of the films you do are disgusting and horrible. And the 50 per cent in the middle is 'eh'.
- [on The Hunt for Red October (1990)] I'm glad that people like the film, but it was studio moviemaking at its most self-conscious. They told me right to my face that Kevin Costner was the person they wanted to play my part, and they couldn't afford him. Most of the people you worked with back then were numbingly frank in that way.
- [on Demi Moore] She's one of the smartest women I've ever met in my life.
- [on Kim Basinger] My ex-wife reaches an almost sexual level of satisfaction when she's in a room full of high-priced lawyers.
- [in 2017, on the sexual harassment scandal in Hollywood involving his friend James Toback and many others] I certainly have treated women in a very sexist way. I've bullied women. I've overlooked women. I've underestimated women. Not as a rule. From time to time, I've done what a lot of men do, which is...when you don't treat women the same way you treat men. You don't. I'm from a generation where you really don't and I'd like that to change. I really would like that to change. (...) I think it's important for us to try to make the workplace and beyond not only comfortable and right and fair and appropriate but as productive, as well. I think a lot of what we're dealing with within this issue is hurting our business. It's making it less productive. (...) I knew of certain things, that there were rumors of things happening to people, but I didn't necessarily know the scope, when you hear the hundreds and hundreds of women who are complaining about this. It's been a very eye-opening experience for me personally. We've got to be vigilant in a new way to make sure that everybody is comfortable and that we get the job done together that we're there to do.
- I've walked away from some films knowing we've given the director the ingredients to make a good movie, and then I've seen it and it isn't so good. That's why I don't get involved much in the movies I'm in. With about half of them, I've never gone to a screening. I show up at the opening, wave, sign autographs, take pictures, talk to the press and then sneak out the side door with my wife and leave. Because watching my own movies reached a level of frustration where all I see is what might have been, and I must add, that's my shortcoming.
- All along, I think there were things I could have done to make things easier for me in the industry sense. I suppose, deep down inside, that really wasn't important to me because ultimately, if it WAS important to me, I would have acted differently, made different decisions. What I wanted seven years ago was to give the best performance possible in the best possible film, but then I realized I wasn't willing to make certain sacrifices in order to cement that. I was really, really down after a bunch of movies that were really, really frustrating.
- I was not willing to do the things to make more money. But I am taken more seriously as an actor as a result of the things I did and the choices I made. I make less, but I can't complain. I am happy. If I did better, maybe I would be happier.
- Am I ever going to give up acting? Yes. I almost can't wait to give up acting, in one sense. I'm never going to get it right. I've resolved this with myself. I've made tons of money and seen the world and worked with all these great people, and still feel like a failure out there.
- To me, the Republican Party is the real great tragedy of the last 25 years because there are lot of good and decent people and a lot of good political points [that have] come from the Republican Party in the post-war period, but it has been hijacked by these fundamentalist wackos.
- [on being dumped by Basinger] The loss of my family was the most catastrophic and painful thing I ever had to go through. It was so awful. I am not looking for sympathy, but I was really, really down. There was a period when I didn't want to live. I'd go to bed at night and say, 'Just please let me die in my sleep.' I didn't want to live anymore without my daughter.
- Nothing is worse than the movie business. Washington is just like the Boy Scouts compared to the movies.
- I was reared in a very diehard, left-leaning home: Afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted. I grew up with that philosophy.
- [on what made him accept the role of Marshall in Torrente 5: Operación Eurovegas (2014)] I remember talking to the Spanish consul in New York, 'Tell me about Torrente, please'. And he told me, 'He's the most disgusting guy in the world: racist, perverted, corrupt. Everything you can hate, that's Torrente. But people love it'. And I said, 'Great! Give me my visa, quick!'
- [on how his wife, Hilaria, keeps him grounded] I whine about living in New York, and I try to live my life like a normal guy and walk down the streets. And I don't want to have all the security guards. [I want to] live like a normal guy. And I'll complain about how people will interrupt your meal, and my wife will look at me and go, "Nobody feels sorry for Alec Baldwin. Nobody." She'll turn to people in the restaurant and go, "Anybody here feel sorry for Alec Baldwin?" She does this to me in public. She's very clever, my wife.
- [on Natalie Wood's death at 43] She didn't die very young, but she died too young.
- [in 2013, when Arpad Busson refused to fund one of his film projects because he's "only a TV star"] He's a pockmarked toady who hops from yacht to yacht and bed to bed. So when some bloated little toad like Busson labels me a certain way, I say to myself, 'Consider the source.' If movie stardom meant being trapped on a yacht with Busson, I'd rather be a weatherman for Channel 4 in New York.
- [in 1998, on Ron Snyder's tell-all book about Kim Basinger] He was nothing but a makeup artist and now, with no career in sight, he hopes to make some money off cheap, scurrilous gossip about my wife. He's a gutter rat -- and if he ever comes into my home territory, he better be prepared for a confrontation!
- If my defense of Woody Allen offends you, it's real simple. Unfollow. Condemn. Move on.
- I would like as many of you as possible, I would like a really great, great surge of people... to follow my wife on Instagram... Would you do that for me? Please? Thanks.
- [on the tragic death of actress Anne Heche]: She could do anything. She was funny, she was dramatic. She was many things on film, and onstage.
- [About his career in the 90's] I did The Marrying Man, that bombed. I did Prelude To A Kiss, that bombed. I did Malice, that might have made a couple of nickels. I made The Shadow, that bombed. I did Heaven's Prisoners, that bombed. It was a miracle I got that many trips to the plate. In 95, I did The Juror, that bombed. I did Ghosts Of Mississippi and The Edge, and both of them were very tepid. I had a hit movie and I had eight bombs in a row.
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