The plot given here is actually a little inaccurate. The title character "Bibi" is actually the seducER, not the seducee and although most of her conquests are indeed lesbians, they also include men, couples, you name it. She always takes some kind of trinket from each sex partner--as she says in her thick Swedish accent, "Sumpting to remember you by"--and by the end of the movie she has collected A LOT of trinkets.
I saw this almost back-to-back with the "Second Coming of Eva", and while both films had too much sex in them perhaps, I liked this better. First off, it is Swedish softcore rather Swedish XXX, so the girls are noticeably more attractive, especially Maria Forsa, who is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen in a film this explicit. Also the sex scenes here are ridiculously numerous, but they're not interminably long as is the bane of pretty much all XXX films, so the film moves pretty fast at least. And the one song, "Baby, Love is Strange", is actually pretty catchy. Naturally, nobody here can really act, or even pronounce their stilted English dialogue, but Forsa especially should have won some kind of special award for faking(?) orgasms. She appeared in at least two other Joe Sarno movies, "Vampires Ecstasy" and "Butterflies" (she's even more impressive in orgasm-faking department then she is in this one).
This is not nearly as interesting as Sarno's best work like "Young Playthings" (sadly, MIA on legitimate DVD), "Inga and Greta", or "Vampire's Ecstasy"--all movies that have an actual plot. (Well, kinda). Still, it is worth a look.