Oh I loved how beautifully they've brought up each character in this show. Im absolutely mezmerized, and left addicted to it. I couldn't believe it was over i wish they had shown a little better closure on the characters lives. Please please please! can some one suggest similar shows. Not 'secret diary of a call girl' some home a sex scene feels ridiculous without nudidty, sweat, panting. I feel Secret diary of a call girl is more commercialized, where the main character....i donot knopw how to put this correctly...'non- relatable', or too superfitial. I guess what im trying to say is that in 'satisfaction they could successfully show each character as normal individuals u meet in ur day to day life, with real problems, and emotions.
So u guys must have picked up the hint by how impressed im by the shows and am craving to c more of similar show's with real in depth feeling. I have tried every possible way of searching for similar shows but in vain u guys r my last hope. Love, Jessica.