You could even see it in the faces of the audience. The faces whose expressions lied somewhere between a pitiful halfhearted grin and a yawn. The laughs are so few and far between its ridiculous. There can be no basis to defend this performance. I loved Jamie Foxx in Living Color and he's turning out to be a pretty fine actor and getting some good roles, but come on. Shamelessly plugging and basing jokes on all of his previous movies?? and making fun of the other actors in them, telling stories about their quirks? Showing off about supposedly 'making it' into the Hollywood inner circle? Supplanting the word f*ck, for every punchline? Whats worse is the handful of jokes that could have really been funny were drawn out way too long when they could have ended sooner. And naturally there's the ubiquitous obsession with smoking weed, for which no standup routine would be complete without. Some of the impressions were funny and he probably should played more of them for laughs, but overall Jamie does way better in situation comedies when he's not being 'himself'.