Preston Sturges(1898-1959)
- लेखक
- निर्देशक
- निर्माता
Preston Sturges का जन्म 29 अगस्त 1898 को हुआ था।Preston Sturges एक लेखक और निदेशक थे, जो Sullivan's Travels (1941), The Great McGinty (1940) और Hail the Conquering Hero (1944) के लिए मशहूर थे।उनकी मृत्यु 6 अगस्त 1959 को हुई थी।
- 1 ऑस्कर जीते
- 4 जीत और कुल 4 नामांकन
- आधिकारिक साइटें
- ऊंचाई
- 6′ 0½″ (1.84 मी)
- जन्म
- मौत को प्राप्त
- पति/पत्नियांSandy Sturges15 अगस्त 1951 - 6 अगस्त 1959 (उनकी मृत्यु, 2 बच्चे)
- रिश्तेदार
- Shannon Sturges(Grandchild)
- अन्य कामStage: Appeared (as "Lawrence Binnings"; Broadway debut) in "Hotbed", produced on Broadway. Comedy/drama. Written by Paul Osborn. Directed / produced by Brock Pemberton and Antoinette Perry. Klaw Theatre: 8 Nov 1928-Nov 1928 (closing date unknown/19 performances). Cast: Charles S. Abbe (as "Prof. Stanton"), Carl Anthony (as "Prof. Clark"), Alison Bradshaw (as "Lila"), William Faversham (as "Louis Willard"), Paul Gilmore (as "Dean Slawson"), Walter Greenough (as "George Courtenay"), Josephine Hull (as "Hattie"), William Ingersoll (as "Rev. David Rushbrook"), Leigh Lovel, Richard Spencer. .
- प्रचार लिस्टिंग
- ट्रिवियाHe was working on his memoirs when he died suddenly, sick and alone, in a Manhattan hotel room. Ironically, to say the least, the working title of the book he left behind was "The Events Leading Up To My Death".
- भावI did all my directing when I wrote the screenplay. It was probably harder for a regular director. He probably had to read the script the night before shooting started.
- ट्रेडमार्कWitty, rapid-fire dialogue mixed with broad, screwball physical comedy
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