Is it time to give up on Amazing Race? What made the show great was seeing around the world, overcoming language barriers, navigating unfamiliar places and airports, watching a race where if you came in first, you left by yourself in first. We have lived vicariously through the competitors who raced around the globe to new places, allowing us to see the world through their eyes. This season was the worst. Post-Covid, the show has lost its luster, favoring Spanish-speaking players going to their hometown. Group starts take away the advantage a team gains by coming in first. Eliminations on every leg take away the drama of not knowing if a team might still be in the game. If there is another season, go all over the world, challenge the teams with languages they are unfamiliar with, let the team who crosses the line first have the privilege of leading the pack out of the gate, and bring back the drama (and more episodes) by continuing the race. And bring back the memory challenge at the end, it is a great recap.