No misunderstanding, I'm loving the latest Netflix live action series. I've really liked One Piece, Yu-Yu Hakusho and Avatar, and I finally see that things are being done right.
The issue with Avatar is another: it's born from a cult series that is very difficult to fill. On the one hand, it has effects that are sometimes very noticeable in terms of green screens. On the other hand, between chapter 3 and 6, so many stories are mixed together that it's a literal mess. We have a good cast, but perhaps the weakest point is Ang himself during some moments. Chapter 2 was a delight, I really liked 7 and 8. It feels like there isn't as much chemistry between the main trio and perhaps the Ang-Katara ship wasn't seen at all during this season. The best thing for me is the Zuko and Ioh plot that develops very well. Well, that's why the title of my review: given the original material, it can and should give more...I look forward to the next seasons.