I didn't watch it all the way through, but I intend to in the future. It is a promising start, it looks funny. It's not about the pretty girl. It's not about the hapless, ugly girl who knows it and is best friends with the pretty girl. It's about the hapless, ugly girl who is best friends with the pretty girl, and thinks everyone is in love with her (the ugly girl). However I don't think she is all that ugly. She's not gorgeous, but the way people react to her, its like she's the last person they'd think was pretty. I have a feeling the characters in the show, if they had more dimensions to them, would think she's prettier if she wasn't so arrogant.
My favorite scene in what I've seen so far, is in the first part of the first episode. It is a really minor detail, and I was half watching it, when I noticed this, and had to watch it again just to be sure: In the restaurant where you meet some of the characters for the first time, there is a shot that has 2 guys sitting off from the focus of the shot. In the forefront however is a girl wearing a business suit and a pink shirt. She is drinking from a cup and turns to fix her hair. Where she turns to, there is a reflection of her actions. However, she gets up to leave and the reflection of the girl stays. It is not a mirror and it is not the same girl. They had two girls with the same outfit, drinking out of the same cup with straw and the same hair style, drink at the same time and turn to face each other, without talking, to fix their own hair as if in a mirror image. I loved it. It is those kinds of things that will bring me back to watch more. (I've given a lot of foreign movies a shot and sometimes they're amazing, and sometimes not, and I have to watch a little to know which is which.)
The only negative I've found thus far, besides the weird shooting at other times, when they're focused on the main character, it seems out of focus, is the translation that I've discovered. It's not dubbed, its subbed, and the phrasing is a little awkward sometimes. I watch a lot of subbed and I've seen people do a lot better job on it. That's the only negative, and that is on a case by case basis.