After viewing most the film One Last Dance, many psychological comparisons were evident. Not only did this movie portray beautiful dancing and a deep message, there were connections that were closely related psychological processes. The correlations included the ego, characters experiencing self doubt, mid life crisis', and injury.
A specific dance sequence in this film that contained all the psychological aspects was in the beginning of the film. When the main character is dancing in the dark dance studio room and he is haunted by various images of experiences he went through. He first starts out moving gracefully to the music running through all the moves in his mind as a dead tree branch lies across the floor. This to me represents the trio's choreographer who passed away before the show was ever performed. The room s also especially dark which expresses to me the emotion being portrayed as morbid because of the death. Sheets are also shown blowing in the wind which suggests being the presence of a spirit or ghost haunting him as he recalls the strict demeanor and suffering the dancers went through under his direction. A final example I recall from the film is when he falls during this scene. To me that represented when the women I the trio fell, and also implied to difficulty and previous failure of the project.
After seeing most of this movie, it was really amazing to me the numerous psychological associations it contained. Not only was it a beautiful dance story, there was deeper underlying meaning to it. This film wasn't just a typical dance movie that was uplifting and jovial, but instead demonstrated real life struggles and perseverance.