This deserves 15 out of 10. Man oh man....watching this show with my parents is so fun! Shame on the negative people! Great! GREAT SHOW. May it have a great remake like V's or BattleStars! Fun to watch, good characters, believable plots...maybe 'new' Hollywood should take notes. Seriously. The action is fun, it has good 'morals' for a show like this. It's what shows are supposed to be. It takes you out of reality and puts you in a world with a (fairly) deep plot, fun characters, good lessons, and cool fights! It's sort of like Miami Vice with aliens! The parts with the bad guys always baffles me. The bad guys that kept the people on the ship always tend to be smart and vicious yet human bad guys spout of pitiful remarks that tend to get them killed. Seems like they'd learn. lol, any way....if you haven't seen the show...Do! It's well worth your time and money!