There was a time when European networks produced excellent TV series based on historical events, literary works or on the lives of relevant historical characters. Budgetary restrictions gradually did away with that type of programming and productions nearly halted. TVE themselves produced a few remarkable ones and so did the BBC and RAI, the latter before turning into the generally appalling network it now is. With this new series centred on the life of Queen Isabella of Spain and now well into its third and final season, TVE has more or less come back to what they so successfully did until a couple of decades back. Actors are of a good enough standard and the recreation of some of the Kingdoms that comprised the Iberian peninsula at the time is in general to a good standard. There is some abuse, in my view, of computer-generated images and sequences that are distractive and in a few instances questionable in their success but the series as a whole deserves wider distribution (PBS take note?). The Alhambra sequences in Seasons 2 and 3 are a delight to watch.