Hallmark have varied massively when it comes to their Christmas films, but have been pleasantly surprised by some of those from 2020, considering that any films were even made during these circumstances that year by them was something of a miracle. Other than Hallmark completest sake and that they have done some good and more Christmas films and films in general, my main reason for watching this was the always worth watching Lacey Chabert (one of the most popular Hallmark actresses for good reason).
'Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas' impressed me on the whole. It is not quite one of the very best 2020 Hallmark films, Christmas and overall, it is in the better end. 'Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas' is flawed in terms of story (then again that is not uncommon for Hallmark, but this time it's relatively different reasons than most), but the performances and atmosphere in particular more than made up for any misgivings. It is certainly in my mind a good representation of what Chabert's appeal is.
It isn't perfect by all means. The ending agreed is much too rushed and reliant on too neat coincidence and while being usually a non-fan of open-ended endings, this is agreed a case of it being a better way to end if included.
Did think too that it is a bit of a slow starter and some of the dialogue has degrees of awkwardness.
However, a lot works very well. Chabert is her usual perky, charming self and Stephen Huszar is a subtly easy going leading man. Their chemistry is understated but natural and genuine, which is more than good enough for me when watching a Hallmark film (as long as there is some form of chemistry that makes me happy). Lini Evans is solid support and it was interesting seeing Peter Kelamis in a non-voice acting role.
Furthermore, the film pleases visually, lovely festive locations attractively and never drably or garishly shot. The music isn't as intrusive as it tends to be with Hallmark while the direction gets the job done well. The script doesn't get too cheesy or sentimental and does have a more natural flow when it becomes more settled. The story is not too heavy while taking itself seriously and is both warm-hearted and has a light touch when necessary, the gentle charm and sincere sweetness more than ideal. The mystery element while not innovative is intriguing and investable, the twist did surprise.
Overall, solidly executed effort. 7/10.