This show starred Dan Dailey & Julie Sommars as a Governor (father) & a wild teenage daughter (Sommars). Both the principals did well in their roles. Dailey made a very convincing Guv while Julie at still less than 30 was still young enough to pass as a teen age daughter. She could pore on the charm too, which this passion seemed to be gone by the time she did Matlock.
The series was smartly produced by Leonard Stern & Arnie Sultan who also were producing Get Smart. The scripts were funny, and the veteran cast was excellent in support too. For some reason it never got any traction & lasted only 1 season. In a way too bad as there were worse programs around.
I remember the protest theme being touched in 1 episode, when a rock singer had a hit on the radio called "Hang It Mr Govenor!" & the daughter was listening to it. For some reason, this show never got any respect, but it was well done.