It's obvious to me that early TV shows & movies formed much of who I am today. This TV series is one example. It taught me that each day on this earth is precious. The people you meet, the experiences you live through, the sights, sounds, tastes and smells of life. All should be consumed with passion. The good, AND the bad. As if you only had one or two years left of your life. For after all, we don't know how much time we have. But what ever length that is, it should not be wasted.
The theme of this series is provocative. And, always kept me anxious for next weeks show. The acting and production value is exceptional. I especially liked the recurring dreams (night mares really), or flashbacks that Ben Gazzarra's character would wake from, where he was being chased by Father Time (or was it he that was doing the chasing). I found these scenes to be very symbolic.
I do hope that this series becomes available on DVD soon. If you liked "The Fugitive" television series, you'll probably also like "Run For Your Life".