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- Filmed for 15K during the heart of the Pandemic, "Vortex: A Film Anthology" has that quintessential Indie Film Spirit. Nikola Tesla was a man with secrets we could never imagine, and must navigate a gauntlet of realities to survive.
- Live the comedy and chaos of fortune's fool, Carlton Taylor, as his life slowly unravels. At rock bottom, Carlton reluctantly reconnects with a mysterious yet familiar figure, Major, who escorts him through a 'dark night of the soul'
- "Calington Castle" is a Christian "Game of Thrones" meets "Lord of the Rings" feature film based on the book series by R.A. Feller.
- Initiative is the story of Pete, the Game Master. He, Dave, Ed and Larry, have been playing for years. Pete is in complete control of what can and does happen and enforces the rules of the game. But is Pete really playing with friends?
- Daniel, a struggling up and coming actor, is staying with his production friend Laurie "on location," when her ex shows up to offer an age old compact..
- Filmed at The Producers Club and starring J-L Cauvin, Rory Scholl, featuring a cast of zany characters, DICTATOR FOR A DAY brought together a team of writers, performers, and visionaries to contemplate the end of America's Democracy.