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- Marguerite and Coline fall in love. They kiss for the first time in the municipal swimming pool, the stopwatch starts and there is not much time left. Freediving paints five memories, five periods of their love before it is too late, and the story ends.
- Angelina walks her son to the gates, he is going for a year in Canada. She was never big on goodbyes, whatever, it needs to be done. A hug, a kiss. Finally, he enters the station. He's gone. He flew from the nest. Hold on, one sec.. he... why is the idiot coming back...?
- Locked up in their own apartments, some neighbors tell the camera about the little troubles of life in community. Little by little, when everything piles up, it's enough to drive one mad.
- Beatrice and Hermes are living on a lonely hill close to God. Beatrice dreams to give life but undergoes many miscarriages.
- On his 18th birthday, Noah learns that this age is an actual trial.