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- Jim si prepara per il suo primo combattimento professionale, ma inizia a ripensare sulla sua vita e sulla sua sessualità dopo conoscere Whetu, un ragazzo Maori gay che trascorre le sue giornate in una vecchia baracca vicino alla spiaggia.
- Dopo aver lasciato la città dieci anni fa, l'attivista transgender Caz Davis torna nella remota comunità casearia di Rurangi, politicamente divisa, sperando di riconnettersi con il padre.
- A troubled, lonely teen gets a new lease on life when he comes upon a group of selkies, mythical people with the power to change into seals.
- When sorting out her mother's estate, Sarah uncovers evidence that the real cause of her sister's death was an attack by a mutant, brain-eating jellyfish that had infiltrated the water supply.
- After a sporting hero's death, transgender activist Caz Davis finds himself stranded back in his hometown of Rurangi.
- Caz reconnects with his shocked and delighted childhood friend, Anahera, but struggles to reconcile with his dad.
- Caz cannot bring himself to enter his childhood home with Gerald; Caz gets drunk with his old high school boyfriend, who is more intrigued than shocked by Caz's transition.
- Caz finally musters up the strength and crosses the threshold into his old family home, where he confronts his dad.
- Heroes emerge as Caz, Anahera and Jem get thrust into the environmental debate which has been dividing Rurangi.