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- Centrada na vida dos irmãos órfãos Lillian e Grace, que crescem separados, mas que mais tarde se reencontram na vida adulta no início do século XX.
- Sisters Lillian and Grace face disapproval when they establish an orphanage in Lillian's hometown. But when a fire breaks out, they are swept up in the community's effort to prevent the blaze from engulfing the town.
- Lillian tries to make Grace's birthday perfect; Gabe tracks down a key witness in the robbery investigation.
- Lillian rises to the defense of two of her boys when they become Constable Gabriel Kinslow's prime suspects in the investigation of the town fire. Rosemary and Lee Coulter come to Brookfield to help with reconstruction efforts.
- Lillian has to decide whether or not an old photograph will provide the means to mend fences with Tess Stewart. Meanwhile, Grace is blindsided when Chuck Stewart decides he can make life easier for her on her new job.
- Lillian and Gabriel head to Mountie Headquarters together, each with a quest of their own, while Grace goes on her first outing with Chuck.
- A mysterious stranger shows up in town looking for work while a difficult customer at the hotel turns out to be an inspector from the Children's Bureau. The Inspector has some concerns about the orphanage and Grace's past.
- A reporter comes to Brookfield to do a story on Tess's late husband; Gabriel's investigation hits close to home; Chuck and Grace face an impasse in their relationship.
- Constable Nathan Grant arrives from Hope Valley to enlist Gabriel's help in catching a fugitive. Lillian is horrified to see that the wanted poster looks a lot like Sam. Chuck offers to guard Lillian, Grace and the children.
- A visitor from Grace's past comes into town; Lillian and Grace try to bring a family together.
- Lillian and Grace make a difficult choice in order to do what's best for one of their orphans. Gabriel hopes to get his man before Lillian, or anyone else, gets hurt. Chuck realizes that it is time to share his true feelings.