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- Jogando com o tema universal da amizade infantil, Anton contrasta as qualidades simples e duradouras do relacionamento dos meninos para expor a crueldade da ideologia.
- Hailing from disparate backgrounds, Karl and Albert bond over their desire to escape their small town existence and move to Barcelona, in search of a happier life. With their mutual sense of humor and provocative ideas, they decide to document their youthful adventures with the dream of sharing their passions publicly. Upon settling and realizing life is not as easy as expected, their resistance to normalcy finds them walking divergent paths. Unbeknownst to Karl, Albert starts experiencing personal troubles but pride and fear of revealing his secrets drives him to the edge. What was originally meant to be a harmless idea becomes an instrument for self-destruction as Albert documents his own tragic exposè.
- Três homens e uma mulher, todos dentistas, viajam para a Riviera Maya para assistir a um congresso. Todos eles estão fugindo de suas próprias histórias de sofrimentos, passando juntos um fim de semana maluco.
- My London Lullaby tells the story of Helena, a European actress seeking greatness against the backdrop of a neo-totalitarian Brexit Britain.
- Emilia, contemplating motherhood in a post-pandemic world, forms an unexpected connection with her depressed elderly neighbor Felipe. Their friendship blossoms, offering mutual support and renewed optimism amid life's challenges.
- Two 8-year old boys navigate a growing religious divide in this portrait of childhood set after the destruction of India's Babri Mosque.
- In a near future - Maria and Unay are trying to survive a Russian invasion when suddenly their baby dies in a car crash. They will cross a hard path to overcome their worst crisis in life and begin again.
- Buenos Aires, 1982. 19-year-old Matías dreams of studying music far from the Dictatorship, but his environment wants him to 'grow up'. Will desertion be his first adult decision?
- In the year 1900 in the Thousand Days War, Hortensia and Salvador discover Dionisia, a wounded indigenous woman in the stable of their farm. She has the rebel flag braided into her hair. A large reward is being offered for her capture.
- Jeremias is an old philosoph withdrawn from the battle of the 68's revolution whose contemplate how all the ignorance and blindness around send the society to make him victim from the everyday capitalism claws. he will live his penultimate episode of his live with the unknown to die in his depression of getting away of his eviction by is condemned in the widspread silence. He must find his energy and good by of them who loved all just to achieve his mission.
- Gorka (25), takes care of his brother Mikel (6), is forced to survive the criminal world until he discovers who is that voice that speaks to him.
- In the amalgamation between human and nature; love, hope and pain are part of the history of the artisanal miner, popularly called Coligallero.