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- Tromaville ha un nuovo mostruoso eroe. The Toxic Avenger che nasce quando il bidello, Melvin, cade in una vasca di rifiuti tossici. Ora i malfattori avranno molto da perdere.
- The sole survivor of an ill-fated mining expedition tells how his taste for gold was replaced by that of human flesh.
- A streetwise New York police officer transforms into the world's most unusual superhuman hero.
- Una studentessa delle superiori vegana e gotica si innamora della sua nuova insegnante di inglese e sviluppa un gusto problematico per la carne umana.
- The true story of how convenience store clerk Kevin Smith made his grainy $27,000 film Clerks - Commessi (1994) with maxed-out credit cards and the people who aided him in his indie crusade.
- A young man becomes manipulated by his imaginary friend to exact revenge on his tormenting co-workers.
- Un economista di Brooklyn in difficoltà deve smascherare una cospirazione eugenetica aziendale prima di essere catturato e spazzato via.
- After being sent to a sinister religious retreat by their stepfather, two siblings fight to escape in order to save their mother from harm.
- After a moment of total teenage angst, a young punk finds himself at odds with a psychedelic monster of his own creation.
- Tower Rats is an outrageous mix-tape of grotesque flamboyance and ludicrous behavior that features the beloved superheroes of Tromaville, New Jersey. A trash film spectacle that has absolutely no plot.
- After a lusty sexual affair leaves a family divided and a father devastated, Henrietta "Alice McAllister" must do what she can to hold on to what little stability her family has left. Along the way, the family encounters a diverse and colorful cast of burnouts and hippies, deviants and rejects, thrown mercilessly into the mysterious and maddening misfortunes of Reedville, Texas.
- 'World's Greatest' Used Car Salesman Teddy Bupkis and his 13-year old girlfriend Daphne are on the run after a failed assassination attempt on his ex-wife leaves the two targets of a homicidal, sexually frustrated detective and a psychopathic crack-dealer.