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- Un camionista, vuole una moglie pratica per organizzare la sua vita. Jindi, donna indipendente, desidera ricchezza e lusso. I loro percorsi contrastanti portano a una relazione non convenzionale che sfida le tradizionali norme romantiche.
- Cercando di guadagnare soldi per la sua famiglia, un giovane nei primi anni del 1900 si reca in Canada per unirsi a un piccolo gruppo di compagni punjabi che lavorano in una segheria affrontando condizioni difficili.
- Il film si concentra su un gruppo di Punjabi cercando di guadagnarsi da vivere in una terra straniera.
- A thoughtful young man struggles to find a woman to marry.
- La vita di uno scapolo spensierato viene sconvolta quando viene spinto nel ruolo di badante di una giovane ragazza vivace.
- Love story which revolves across borders
- Due sorelle tornano nel loro villaggio dal Canada per vedere la loro famiglia materna e portare la loro nonna in viaggio, ma incontrano un ragazzo del Punjab lungo la strada.
- Ashke is a film about the cultural dance "Bhangra," and also revolves around families, relationships and fun-loving comedy.
- Bambukat, set in 1960, is a story about two sisters. One is a simple girl, Pakko, who's not fair skinned and look dusky, and Sami, who is prettier than Pakko. The story of Bambukat is how Pakko's husband tries to impress his in-laws.
- A Punjabi bus conductor falls in love with a Haryanvi girl, and then the comedy sets up when these different cultures get mingled up for marriage.
- Jeona Maurh e suo fratello Kishna Maurh emergono come fari di speranza, sfidando il sistema ingiusto e lottando per i propri diritti.
- The story revolves around a young couple in love, who run away from the rivalry of their families. The drama begins when they book a hotel and demonetization news is announced by the Prime Minister.
- A young businesswoman hires a charming con man in a bid to defeat her business rival. Complications arise when he turns out to be unreliable and worse still, romance blooms!
- The story of Love Punjab revolves around a family in which husband and wife fights daily for small reasons and their son is only victim of these fights. After suffering from all these things, their son gets depression. Then a psychiatrist suggests them to go to Punjab. Eventually, grasping for a solution, his father announces they are all going to Punjab to help the child understand his heritage and his homeland. However before their arrival, the boy's relatives in Punjab transform the village with a huge 'western' makeover, while still attempting to hold on to all that makes Punjab great. After spending time in Punjab, the child begins to love it. Meanwhile the parents find themselves getting emotionally involved like they had not in a long while. They leave Punjab with a heavy heart, and head to Canada where the mother is set to be engaged to her friend. But during the ceremony she realizes her love for her husband and runs off. The parents express their love for each other, and a year later they are shown to be a happy family, with their son and a new daughter.
- Goga e Kamal sono innamorati e vogliono sposarsi, ma la nonna di Kamal li ostacola.