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- An exciting trip to discover the most important street artists on the World scene. Telling about the new generation after Banksy, made up of very young talents, very versatile in their art, true researchers, who use the walls to experiment and grow in their artistic journey. This leads them to have not only millions of "followers" on the internet, but to end up in the largest museums in the world, proving that Street Art is nothing but contemporary art in all respects.
- The story of little Angelo, a boy who lives in between two worlds: On one hand there is the temptation to give in to the Camorra and its criminal activities, on the other, there is tension with his conscience, that despite his young age, seems to lead him in the right direction.
- Scatenati d'amore is a choral comedy imagined by Rosa Chiara Scaglione in collaboration with renowned writer and director Federico Moccia that dives into the era of romance 2.0. For the first time in Italian cinema, the main characters meet through a dating app.
- Le giornate scorrono tranquille nel centro anziani La Serenissima finché una notizia sconvolge l'intero centro. Edda, una bella signora di circa 73 anni, è in ospedale a causa dello stress causato dalla perdita dei suoi risparmi.
- Santo Subito returns to the birthplace of the director who found himself retracing the streets and places of his childhood, addressing a particular theme: that of a con artist whose safety relies on a "miracle".
- A thief steals a girl's purse outside a restaurant. A black waiter and a bunch of boys chase him down after witnessing the incident. The chase is furious and the thief is able to escape through a crowd of people. However, he is spotted again.
- Short film (2006) Inspired by the Annamaria Franzoni Case.