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- L'histoire vraie, inspirante et inconnue, qui se cache derrière la chanson bien-aimée de MercyMe, la chanson phare qui apporte l'espoir ultime à tant de gens, est un rappel saisissant de la puissance du vrai pardon.
- Le programme de M. Radisson, professeur de philosophie au collège, est remis en question par son nouvel étudiant, Josh, qui croit que Dieu existe.
- Un journaliste d'investigation athée se propose de réfuter l'existence de Dieu après que sa femme soit devenue chrétienne.
- Une enseignante pieuse d'une école chrétienne se retrouve devant les tribunaux après qu'un étudiant a remis en question son droit de discuter de Jésus en classe.
- Après avoir perdu l'amour de sa vie au profit d'un cruel prince philistin, un jeune Hébreu avec une force surnaturelle, défend son peuple, sacrifiant tout pour venger son amour, son peuple, et son Dieu.
- À Jérusalem, en 605 avant J.-C., Daniel est esclave au service du roi babylonien Nabuchodonosor et devient l'un de ses sages. Sous le règne de Darius, il est contraint de prendre une décision de vie ou de mort pour prouver sa foi en Dieu.
- A gifted high-school football player must learn to embrace his talent and his faith as he battles racial tensions on and off the field.
- Ben Walker is allowed to see how different his life would be if he had followed his heart.
- Lorsqu'un pasteur est secoué par la foi d'un prédicateur au coin d'une rue, on lui rappelle que la vraie croyance exige toujours une action. Sa réponse déclenche un voyage qui affecte tous ceux qu'elle touche d'une manière divine.
- Based on the book "Walt Before Mickey" covers the early years of Walt Disney's career.
- Set in the 2000s with their father serving overseas as a war surgeon, four sisters living in Massachusetts come of age. Facing life's triumphs and tragedies with ambition and maturity, their tight sisterly bond endures.
- L'histoire vraie de Rachel Joy Scott, la première élève tuée dans la fusillade du lycée de Columbine, le 20 avril 1999.
- Le pasteur Dave réagit à la tragédie inimaginable de l'incendie de son église, située sur le terrain de l'université locale.
- The supernatural experience of five people sat in an abandoned diner with the King of Kings...Jesus Christ.
- Jewish girl Esther is chosen as the new queen consort to King Xerxes of Persia. Will she be able to stop the evil Lord Haman's plot to exterminate the Jews?
- A college freshman's world is rocked when she learns she is the adopted survivor of a failed abortion.
- A widower who's lost custody of his daughter finds himself unable to hold down a job. He agrees to drive a truck cross-country, no questions asked, but when he discovers the nature of his cargo, he is faced with a life-changing decision.
- The only thing standing between Dr. Lisa Leland (Candace Cameron Bure) and her dream wedding in the Hamptons is a 2600-mile drive from Los Angeles to Long Island. But a run-in with the law in the country town of Normal, Louisiana leaves Lisa with a choice: jail or community service. Sentenced to three days as the town's doctor, Lisa soon finds her world turned upside-down by a man and discovers a lot more to Normal.
- Combat vet Simon motorcycles across the country, working odd jobs, helping those God puts in his path, and trying to atone for past sins in a biker club.
- Several life scenarios play out as Jesus steps in to help each situation and bring people together.
- L'histoire extraordinaire de l'aumônier de l'armée Darren Turner et de sa femme Heather. Quand la guerre blesse leur coeurs, ils doivent faire face à une autre bataille et lutter pour sauver leur mariage. Un mariage, une famille, devant Dieu.
- One boy's wish changed a man. One man's wish changed the world.
- A reformed frat boy opens an antique store in a college town and falls for the free-spirited girl who moves into the apartment above his shop. In time, this unlikely pair fall into a traditional courtship..
- Amidst foreboding lighting and tremors, a traveling salesman with a dark past must fight demons, both his own and a murderous biker gang, in his quest to complete his last sale and go home.
- A tale of women's empowerment, The Warrior Queen of Jhansi tells the true story of Lakshmibai, the historic Queen of Jhansi who fiercely led her army against the British East India Company in the infamous mutiny of 1857.