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- Un pubblico ministero e una madre si uniscono quando il corpo di una ragazza viene trovato su una spiaggia a Tricity, in Polonia, determinati a scoprire la verità.
- Daniel sperimenta un'evoluzione spirituale in un centro di detenzione. Sebbene la sua fedina penale gli impedisca di fare domanda per il seminario, non rinuncia al suo sogno e decide di fare il sacerdote della parrocchia di un paese.
- Durante la festa di capodanno di un gruppo di amici, una serie di eventi folli svela segreti, spezza i cuori e porta a un finale scioccante.
- Un lungometraggio antologico. Sono conosciuti come miti, tradizioni e racconti popolari. Create per dare logica alle paure più oscure dell'umanità, queste storie hanno gettato le basi per quello che ora conosciamo come il genere horror.
- Polonia, 1983. Il Paese è scosso dal caso di Grzegorz Przemyk, uno studente liceale picchiato a morte dai miliziani.
- 1937 Warsaw, Poland. The Jewish mafia rules the city. Head honcho is gangster socialist, Buddy Kaplica. His right-hand man, boxer, Jakub Szapiro who dreams of taking over Buddy's top spot as King of Warsaw.
- La storia di una nota famiglia di artisti: il leggendario pittore Zdzislaw Beksinski, sua moglie Zofia e il figlio Tomasz, apprezzato critico musicale e traduttore. Le loro vite erano tutt'altro che usuali.
- Anno 1794, segue il piano di ribellione del generale Kosciuszko contro i russi in Polonia. L'incontro di Ignac con Domingo lo porta al nascondiglio di Kosciuszko, dove deve prendere una decisione difficile.
- La giornalista Alicja Tabor torna a Walbrzych, la città della sua infanzia. Lì tornerà a tutti i suoi drammi segreti di famiglia e inizierà a indagare su un sinistro caso legato alla scomparsa di bambini.
- Follows Soviet composer Shostakovich navigating Stalin's regime. His opera condemned, he narrowly escapes persecution. For decades, he grapples with appeasing authorities while preserving artistic integrity amidst political pressures.
- When a group of 30-year-old college friends and their children go on vacation to a summer resort, two girls disappear and a large-scale search ends in nothing. A year later, one man returns to the place of the tragedy to resume the search.
- The main character is a young playboy, never cared about money - first claimed by his mother, now makes it a rich wife. In such a case it is the best material for a husband and father? How far a desperate woman to give birth to a child and that the ideal hero will cope with the challenges of fatherhood?
- Avendo bisogno di soldi per il tempo trascorso nello studio di registrazione, una stella nascente del rap con un passato criminale organizza un rischioso traffico di droga che potrebbe costargli tutto.
- Kacper, a middle-aged high-school history teacher, begins to lose his eyesight. The medical diagnosis leaves no hope. Initially heartbroken, he attempts to hide his health problems from the outside world.
- Joseph Conrad and three other notorious artists wake up after a crazy party with a dead man on their couch with no clue who he was, why he's dead, or why the gendarme is knocking at the door.
- A newly retired postman from a small town, Mietek Zasada, has to take care of the burial of Czeslaw's friend when the only funeral home in the area refuses to provide the service. Unaware of the obstacles and absurdities of funeral business, he sets up his own company and soon has to balance on the verge of legal regulations and moral principles. He also quickly comes into conflict with the local industry tycoon, and he can only count on the support of the eccentric daughter of a deceased friend and his disabled wife. When, in addition, dark secrets from the ex-postman's past begin to emerge, the world around him and his relatives begins to change irretrievably.
- Inspired by real events, the story of a young mother of an autistic boy whose persistence and struggle with bureaucracy and human heartlessness have led to significant changes in the Polish education system.
- A teenager finds herself being pursued by the military after she discovers she can manipulate gravity.
- A western, inspired by the likes of Tarantino and Leone, set in the 1920s in the borderland between Poland and the USSR: Twin brothers plan to rob a rival Mafia style family, an instance of female empowerment in that it is run by sisters.
- Un gruppo di amici d'infanzia cerca di riattivare la propria vecchia band metal.
- Dawid is trying to improve the relation with his father, who has Alzheimer's disease, to make up for their lost time.
- The first biographical documentary about the Polish science fiction writer Stanislaw Lem, a figure that poses many mysteries and paradoxes: how he managed to survive the Holocaust? He was communist or anticommunist? How could he keep abreast of science in Poland during the fifties? Why collaborated lifelong with Catholics if he was really an atheist?
- A feature length documentary on the life and work of jazz musician and composer Krzysztof Komeda, who wrote the score for Roman Polanski's ROSEMARY'S BABY.