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- La tecnología de audio avanzada revela comportamientos animales nunca antes escuchados: caimanes cantando en los huevos, escaramuzas nocturnas de leones y hienas, desconcertantes zumbidos de peces y precisión en el mimetismo de las aves.
- It was called the Black Death, a disease that started in the 14th century, and swept across Europe wiping out half the population, one of the most lethal killers in human history. But the cause of the Black Death has eluded scientists. Now, Evolutionary biologist Hendrik Poinar embarks on an epic journey to solve the 600-year old mystery and change the way we fight infectious diseases today.
- David Attenborough investiga la extraordinaria vida y muerte del elefante Jumbo, una celebridad animal cuya historia se dice que inspiró la película "Dumbo".
- In depth look at the life of the world's most famous elephant.
- An underwater world of bizarre creatures critical to the health of our oceans is locked in a struggle for survival.
- Forgotten bones of Jumbo the elephant help scientists crack unsolved mysteries surrounding the world's first animal superstar.
- 202443m8,5 (79)Episodio de TVAnimals use sound to survive: hunt prey, defend against predators, and escape danger. Great grey owls hear voles under snow. Kangaroo rats detect rattlesnakes by sound, drum feet to defend themselves.
- 202445m8,3 (67)Episodio de TVShrieking elks, humming fish, singing gibbons, and lyrebirds mimicking their surroundings all use their voices to find and attract a mate.
- 202443m8,3 (62)Episodio de TVAs baby animals take their first steps out of the nest, burrow, den or lair, the sounds that guide them could mean the difference between life and death.
- 1960–Episodio de TVDr Jennifer Gardy conducts an experiment on herself in an attempt to prove or disprove popular health claims.
- 1960–Episodio de TVAn investigation of whether stormy-weather claims are myth or science.
- Dr. Jennifer Gardy reveals life-changing sleep secrets.
- When it comes to diet, we swallow a lot of advice. Food for Thought sorts through the latest science to create a new recipe for health.
- Jennifer Gardy lifts the lid on poop to discover if it's myth or science that we're flushing a valuable resource down the toilet.