एडवांस सर्च
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इसमें सिर्फ़ चुने गए टॉपिक्स वाले टाइटल शामिल हैं
मिनटों में
1-37 में से 37
- जमीन से पांच मील ऊपर और दुश्मन की रेखाओं के पीछे, "फ्लाइंग फोर्ट्रेस" के रूप में जाने जाने वाले बमवर्षक के अंदर ग्यारह आदमी जर्मन लड़ाकों के अविश्वसनीय झुंडों से लड़ते हैं.
- फिल्म एक खुले आम समलैंगिक छात्र के बारे में है जिसे अपनी कामुकता के कारण अपने साथी मनुष्यों से पीड़ित होना पड़ता है।
- Newly released after being locked up in his teens, 30-year-old Ricky navigates the challenging realities of life post-incarceration, and the complexity of gaining independence for the first time as an adult.
- Take a look at the world through the lens of food and explores how food explains the past and forecasts the future.
- Teens in a low income neighborhood are lured into working for a violent and dangerous drug dealer. When a new girl harboring a dark secret arrives in town, their relationship jeopardizes everything.
- टीवी मिनी सीरीज़A diverse set of characters intertwine in an iconic building in Manhattan's East Village, the Christodora.
- टीवी सीरीज़
- अलास्का में, जासूस डैनवर्स और नवारो एक शोध स्टेशन से गायब हुए पुरुषों की जांच करते हैं, और अनंत बर्फ के नीचे दफन सच्चाइयों को खोदते हैं.
- In 2012, former detective partners Rust Cohle and Martin Hart recap one of their very first cases together involving a serial killer, back in 1995.
- Cohle and Hart travel around trying to track down leads to their case. Darker sides of Hart's personal and family lives are revealed.
- Martin is faced with marital problems. The search for Reggie Ledoux leads the detectives to a motorcycle gang called the Iron Crusaders, which Rust worked undercover in the past.
- Cohle and Martin finally get a new wind in the case and can confirm a suspect. Martin's mistress gets on with somebody else leaving him furious. Cohle's theory becomes increasingly more convincing than ever.
- Hart and Cohle share the spoils of a solved case; Papania and Gilbough confront the detectives with troubling new intelligence.
- Cohle's activities in 2002, when his partnership with Hart disintegrated and he quit the force, are recalled by Maggie.
- Cohle and Hart try to discover if a series of missing persons reports could be related to the Dora Lange murder and the Tuttle family.
- An overlooked detail provides Hart and Cohle with an important new lead in their 17-year-old case.
- A bizarre murder brings together three police officers and a career criminal in the corrupt city of Vinci, California.
- Paul works the prostitute angle; Frank receives the first casualty in a secret war.
- Ray, Ani, and Paul are assigned to Casper's murder case. Frank tries to keep his business deals going, even after Caspere's death.
- The detail works a pawn shop lead to close in on a suspect in the Caspere case. Frank revisits his past to pay for the present.
- Ray and Frank consider new life choices; Ani and Paul go up to the coast to follow a lead.
- As Ani, Paul, and Ray get closer to finding out the truth about Caspere, circumstances become more dangerous for them all and everyone around them. Frank deals with an inside betrayal, learns important information, and plans his next move.