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- Depois que uma jovem é encontrada morta em uma comunidade religiosa isolada nas montanhas, um grupo de adolescentes decide lutar contra os espíritos malignos que acreditam tê-la matado, abraçando sua própria natureza sombria.
- The untold story of a Jewish baby who was born in the death camp before the liberation and survived. An extraordinary journey of the second and third generation, breaking the cycle of trauma to free themselves from Auschwitz - forever.
- Rebel. Poet. Revolutionary: LIEBER THOMAS is a declaration of love to writer Thomas Brasch, congenially brought to life by exceptional actor Albrecht Schuch.
- Who Will Write Our History tells the story of Emanuel Ringelblum and the Oyneg Shabes Archive, the secret archive he created and led in the Warsaw Ghetto. With 30,000 pages of writing, photographs, posters, and more, the Oyneg Shabes Archive is the most important cache of in-the-moment, eyewitness accounts from the Holocaust. It documents not only how the Jews of the ghetto died, but how they lived. The film is based on the book of the same name by historian Samuel Kassow.
- In a dystopian 2054, three friends go on a road trip into the past. On their journey, they rediscover lost biodiversity. How could it all disappear? When the friends find the key to a decisive moment in time everything will change.
- Yana's company uses actors to turn remote Chinese ghost towns into temporary "international booming cities," tricking visitors into buying overpriced property. But when the real estate market starts to collapse, she faces financial ruin. A boom to bust tale set in China's building boom.
- Als sich Christiane F. zu David Bowies Song "Heroes" einen weiteren Schuss Heroin setzt, schauen ihr 1981 allein in Deutschland fünf Millionen Menschen zu. Nie zuvor wurde Drogensucht und ihre Folgen filmisch so radikal umgesetzt. Wie konnte die Geschichte von einem minderjährigen Mädchen, das sein Leben an Drogen und Sex verliert, ein Meilenstein in Literatur und Kino werden? Als der Spielfilm "Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo" 1981 seine Premiere in den deutschen Kinos feiert, kommen viele Menschen erschüttert aus der Vorführung. Nie zuvor wurden Drogensucht, Entzug und Prostitution so radikal dargestellt. Vor allem die Darstellerin Natja Brunckhorst und der Darsteller Thomas Haustein beeindrucken das Publikum nachhaltig. Es sind die 80er Jahre in West-Berlin; eine faszinierende Jugendkultur entwickelt sich in der Stadt, in der es weder eine Sperrstunde noch Grenzen zu geben scheint - obwohl sie eine meterhohe Mauer umgibt. Am Bahnhof Zoo - dem Zentrum West-Berlins - herrscht das Elend vor. Hier verbringen Drogensüchtige ihren Alltag, viele davon noch Kinder. Christiane F. ist eines davon. Sie erzählt zwei Journalisten ihre Geschichte. Schonungslos und ungeschönt. Das Buch wird ein Bestseller und kurz darauf wird daraus der erfolgreichste Film der 80er Jahre entstehen. Dem Spielfilm gelingt mit seiner radikalen Bildsprache und modernen Dramaturgie eine Rezeption bis ins Heute. Die Dokumentation geht der Frage nach, wie die Geschichte von einem Mädchen, das sein Leben an Drogen und Sex verliert, ein Meilenstein in Literatur und Kino werden konnte, und zeichnet den damaligen Zeitgeist nach. Nie zuvor veröffentliche Casting-Aufnahmen und Stimmen von einem Großteil der damaligen Crew wie dem Regisseur Uli Edel, dem Drehbuchautor Herman Weigel, dem Produzenten Hans Weth und dem Darsteller Thomas Haustein erzählen von den schwierigen Bedingungen bei den Dreharbeiten, von der Mitwirkung David Bowies und dem Umgang mit dem Erfolg.
- Actors who worked with and knew Luchino Visconti are interviewed about his life.
- An adventurous filmmaker has challenged himself to explore the Nicobar Islands in the Indian Ocean, the last remaining windows into the primeval past of tropical islands.
- Three young prodigies and their families exploring the popular and competitive world of piano playing in China.
- Made up of excerpts from diaries and letters written by residents of the city and soldiers from both sides, this moving documentary unfolds the story of the Battle of Stalingrad during the Second World War through the voices of those who lived through it. If these testimonies prove to be precious for historians, describing the events in great detail, they above all echo the fate of men and women confronted with war and death.
- Knowing the Score is a biopic of Australian conductor Simone Young, showcasing her remarkable career, achievements, and challenges in the male-dominated world of opera and classical music.
- Divorced, withdrawn Inga buries herself in her work as a forensic biologist while neglecting her friends and her grumpy father who lets her know she has a half-sister. Everything changes when Inga agrees to take care of a tame falcon.
- Frau Hitler - present the harmless face and behaviour of a society of murderous followers of the leader of the Third Reich. Heinrich Hoffmann, Hitler's in-house photographer, was one of the first to gain access to the new Agfacolor colour films developed by AGFA in 1936 in the mid-1930s. With this film material Eva Braun is able to capture the scenery at Obersalzberg. Frau Hitler's films, which were kept top secret during the Third Reich, allow an unusually close look at Hitler.
- Aracy de Carvalho, Brazilian Consolate's head of visa department, during Nazi Germany. She saved many Jewish lives & is known as The Angel of Hamburg.
- John is an introvert young soldier serving as a minesweeper in Evros. When he meets Chryssa, a woman passing immigrants from borders between Greece and Turkey, he will try to convince her run away and start a new life.
- Growing to enormous size and living upwards of 100 years, the robber crab faces unique challenges on Christmas Island.
- Communist ideals have long lost their value in Yiwu, a city with 600 Christmas factories, in which Christmas as we know it is produced for the entire world. With rising wages, the workers in Christmas factories can now afford newest iPhones, but they still live in crowded dormitories. All migrants in their own country, nostalgic for some place far away, some miss their families left in hometowns, other miss their friends and lovers from the factories when they go home for holidays. Young generation is already tired of long factory hours, chemical fumes and glitter particles, and they do not care for their parents' wishes to get educated. Stuck in between Chinese tradition and the newly discovered Chinese dream, they want their own businesses, to be rich, to be independent, to be in love.
- A docudrama on John F. Kennedy's early travels through Europe with his best friend Lem Billings. A road trip that would lay the foundation for JFK's later love for Europe and its countries, such as Germany.
- Na Polónia ocupada, os nazis estabeleceram três campos de extermínio, um deles em Sobibor. Os presos organizaram uma revolta que permitiu que alguns sobrevivessem e relatassem os acontecimentos horríveis.
- Marimekko's philosophy of life emerged from the fabric designs of Maija Isola, reaching architectural heights together with Maija's large scale prints. Today, Maija Isola's fabric designs have conquered the whole world. But who was Maija Isola? What were the values at the centre of this vagabond's life, and what kind of a legacy did she leave us?