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- Supposedly the first Hungarian crime thriller film: A woman wants to divorce her adventurer husband (who is suspected of strangling an opera diva) and marry a jurist whom she loved as a girl.
- Barbara did not marry bank manager Gábor Bogáti out of love. The unhappy woman meets Peter, the world-famous pianist, in the middle of a forest storm, and their passionate relationship develops into a passionate affair. But Barbara is unable to leave her family, and the passion burning inside her consumes her health. Sick and burning with fever, she begs her husband's forgiveness.
- Dr. Ádám Koltay flees the city. Although he is the darling of society, he has grown weary of the emptiness of social life. He tents in the pure, unspoiled world of the snow-covered mountains, but on his first day, an unexpected event occurs: he must save the life of a young girl who has fallen off a cliff. In gratitude, she offers him an invitation to the hustle and bustle of a nearby noisy resort, but ÁdÁm steals a kiss from her instead. Éva vows revenge, ready to do anything to disturb his peace.
- Gábor Bozsó is a professional burglar, but his daughter Éva, who knows nothing about it, is raised in an upscale institution. When she falls in love with one of her father's victims, things take a big change.
- Cecil Horváth's brother is convicted of bank robbery, and Cecil vows revenge against the judge, Dr. Péter Kétzy. During a family holiday, she seduces the unsuspecting man, but in the process gets herself burned. Mary, the judge's wife, fights for her husband and for peace in the family. Cecil finds herself in a difficult situation.
- Gáspár Szöcs is a middle-aged widower. For a regular alimony of $100 a month, he lies that he has two daughters instead of one: the serious Éva, who runs the household, and Lili, the debauched twin sister, the shame of the family. When the relatives arrive, Éva has to play the role of both daughters.