एडवांस सर्च
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इसे छोड़ दें
इसमें सिर्फ़ चुने गए टॉपिक्स वाले टाइटल शामिल हैं
मिनटों में
1-29 में से 29
- एक अज्ञेयवादी सेक्स पॉडकास्टर और एक नवविवाहित रब्बी को प्यार हो जाता है; यह पता लगाना कि क्या उनका रिश्ता उनके अलग-अलग जीवन और हस्तक्षेप करने वाले परिवारों के बीच कायम है.
- Greg the Bunny is one of the 3.2 million fabricated Americans living in the United States. Wanting a job that doesn't involve working only on Easter, he finds a job on a kid's show.
- 2000 के दशक के शुरुआती पारिवारिक सिटकॉम का अनुसरण करता है जिसे हुलु ने रिबूट किया है और उनकी कास्ट को आज की तेजी से बदलती दुनिया में उनके अनसुलझे मुद्दों से निपटना होगा.
- Exclusive interviews and reflections with the cast and crew on the show's origin story and unprecedented success, and revisit many of the hilarious, warm and sometimes twisted moments of this modern family on "A Modern Farewell".
- टीवी सीरीज़
- Jimmy and Greg attempt to help Count Blah get over his sense of loneliness of his deceased wife by taking him to a singles bar. However, things go unexpectedly crazy after Count Blah ends up having a one night stand with Warren's wife (Marilu Henner) who strikes up a conversation with him at the bar. Meanwhile, Allison believes Jack is psychotically stalking her after she refuses to allow him to accept a acting job portraying a psycho killer.
- After he calls Skyler a groupie, Gavin is embarrassed to realize he's become one himself.
- After Katrina and Stuart spend the night together, they go in to work and are not sure what to do about it. Gavin is concerned how this could affect the business, because technically, they are her boss and what happened could be construed as harassment.
- Dissatisfied with Skylar's lax work ethic, Gavin wants to replace her with another candidate who seems ideal, but he agrees with Stuart to let the two compete for a day before a final decision is made.
- When a friend of Gavin's a writer shows up and tells Gavin that he wrote his book and he comes to Gavin looking for support because Gavin's the only writer he knows who's been published. He wants to know how to deal with all the hype. And when he goes on how promising it is, it makes Gavin feel bad because he hasn't written in a long time. So he tries to write again.
- Skyler's old rival, Nikki, sets her sights on Stuart.
- Gavin has an erotic dream about Skyler.
- Skylar offers to clean out Gavin's closet and among the things she chooses to throw out is his cowboy boots. Katrina is pining after a guy who comes in regularly and when she can't find the courage to talk to him. Skylar decides to throw a Western theme party which has Gavin fuming cause she threw out his boots.
- Feeling as if Harold is lonely, the guys try to set him up with various women. And Katrina has a health inspector checking her out and after a little miscommunication, Katrina is labeled a bigot.
- Everyone at the bookstore behaves oddly after Skyler starts telling people she loves them.
- Party girl Skylar Dayton stops into Stacks bookstore to get a self-help book and ends up taking a job instead.
- Gavin gets engrossed in online poker game. That's when his ex-wife shows up telling him he has to take their son for a haircut for his interview at the school they hope to get him in. But Gavin had already agreed to do it tomorrow and is doing so well at the game, he lets Skylar take him. But when they come back, the style he chose is not exactly what they hoped he would get. So Gavin dreads telling his ex what happened because he knows she won't approve of him choosing gambling over their son's welfare. And when a guy sits in Harold's chair, he tries to get him to leave.
- When Gavin learns he has to go to the hospital for minor surgery, he freaks out. He tells Stuart where his will is, just in case. Stuart looks at the will and is shocked to discover that Gavin is putting his wife in charge of the bookstore. He asks Gavin to let him take care of the bookstore but Gavin doesn't think Stuart can handle it. At the hospital when Gavin is being sedated he utters something to Skylar.
- A music store opens next to the bookstore.
- Gavin and Stuart fall under the spell of Skyler's ex-boyfriend.
- Gavin and his ex-wife bring their son to the school for his interview and they're worried that the haircut he got might not make a good impression on the head master. So they bring Skylar along who was the one who brought their son for his haircut to explain. But when the man meets her he can only think about hooking up with her. Later when they go to his place, he makes a move which she rebuffs. And when Gavin and his ex hear about it, they're worried this ruins their son's chances.
- Gavin goes out on a date with Harold's daughter but runs into trouble getting romantic.
- Skyler is shocked when her oldest friend announces she's marrying an elderly man.
- When Harold's daughter comes to introduce her new boyfriend. Harold doesn't exactly warm up to him. And rightfully so, the man's a hypnotist and he uses his ability to get Skylar to make out with him. And when Gavin sees this, he doesn't know what to do.
- When an iPod is found in the bookstore and when Gavin looks at the songs in it and sees that they're songs he likes, Skylar makes him think that the owner could be his soul mate. When a young woman comes to claim the iPod, Gavin asks her out and just when things are getting heated, her parents arrive and she reveals how old she is.