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- Marvin Arrington, Sr. is one of Atlanta's most significant political leaders yet one of its least recognized. Born in Atlanta, then a segregated, provincial town of the Deep South Arrington grew up to help galvanize the city of his birth into the international, cosmopolitan metropolis that it is today. This documentary takes viewers on the journey of one man's love for a city and his visionary work for its eventual transformation. Battling through the blows of racism and meshing with political opponents over the years Marvin "Bo Legs" Arrington not only found his way but made his mark in civic duty and social justice. By telling his story this film tells the story of Atlanta. The people who worked with Arrington and knew him best helps narrate this seminal figure's storied impact in public service to a modern Atlanta community. No other person's biography parallels so harmoniously with the successful growth of the city of Atlanta than Marvin Arrington, Sr.
- Ric and Natalie are a happy young couple headed towards marriage. When Natalie finds her trusted mate in the company of last night's entertainment, the relationship abruptly ends leaving them to travel separate roads to self-discovery.