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- Married couple Jock and Nora visit the town of Litan during its Carnival celebration. After having a nightmare of Jock's death, Nora sets out to find him but encounters strange people and dangerous events erupting all over town.
- The insane Doctor Enger is obsessed with his plan to build a hospital to cure blind children, and goes on a killing and kidnapping spree with the police in pursuit.
- Una giovane donna seduttrice fa avances a un restauratore italiano in Francia che si trasformano in tragedia quando viene trovata stuprata e uccisa in un edificio abbandonato.
- A serial killer awakens from a coma and escapes from a mental hospital to kill a survivor of his slayings years ago, all the while stalking, terrifying, and killing women on the way.
- Horace Tumelat, a powerful politician was raised by his uncle Eusèbe. He has to find a letter written by his uncle who committed suicide.
- Goumic, an industrialist and his wife Anne lose their big house when their town's mayor coerces them to sell it for a low price.
- Yves and Anne are a happy couple with a child.They live a quiet life until the day when ..
- Forty eight hours in an area around a Parisian canal where a former Tango champion meets a killer.
- Ten years after the French political upheavals of 1968, a maturing "soixante-huitard" falls in with some young radicals who are influenced by a book he had written. But does he still have the guts to translate his ideas into acts against the state? And is he still attractive to younger chicks?
- Much against his will, Aurélien Brada is put in charge of a cute orphan girl and her cute dog.
- Antoine is a mechanic. The best according to Jean-Pierre, his boss. But Carine leaves him for a salesman from the garage. Social Promotion. Love ambition. The right wing wins the election, is the left better in the shadow cabinet? Jean-Pierre doubts. Antoine wants to quit.