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1-14 de 14
- A inteligente e animada filha de um pintor falecido começa a ascender em uma sociedade que mantém as mulheres afastadas do reconhecimento.
- Uma família étnica indiana é expulsa do Uganda de Idi Amin em 1972 e vive no Mississipi 17 anos depois.
- Two female friends become sexual rivals at maturity.
- Nascido nos Estados Unidos, Gogol, filho de imigrantes indianos, quer se encaixar entre seus colegas nova-iorquinos, apesar da relutância de sua família em abrir mão de seus costumes tradicionais.
- Young Krishna struggles to survive among the drug dealers, pimps, and prostitutes in the back alleys and gutters of India.
- A stressed father, a bride-to-be with a secret, a smitten event planner, and relatives from around the world create much ado about the preparations for an arranged marriage in India.
- Um jovem paquistanês está perseguindo o sucesso corporativo em Wall Street. Ele se vê envolvido em um conflito entre seu sonho americano, uma crise de reféns e o chamado permanente da terra natal de sua família.
- A short movie aiming to spread awareness about awareness from the perspective of people from different economic classes.
- This is an 18-minute truth about how one small mistake can change your fate, the fate of people close to you, the fate of your unborn child. And this is a story that no matter how terrible the consequences of such a mistake are - you should not burn bridges after it, committing even more serious offenses, you should always hope that tomorrow will come. This is a film about how even in 18 minutes you can tell a whole story, live a whole life, drown in self-contempt and find an angel in a stranger.
- A growing boy being disgusted of his life because of his father and went to another country, then he returned India after his father got AIDS and to company him.
- The story is inspired by the assassination of Chris Hani, leader of the South African Communist Party.
- Portrait of the first laughing club in India, its founding by a doctor who believes that laughter is the best medicine, his outreach to schools, interviews with club members, scenes of outdoor sessions, and shots of billboards and street scenes in contemporary Mumbai. Club members gather, stretch, and start to laugh. Founder Dr. Madan Kararia talks of the club's history and the growth of laughing clubs across the country. Among those interviewed, there's a stockbroker, three bawdy women, a musician, a widow laughing to cope with grief, and two old men - friends since school days who meet daily to laugh. No form, no fuss: happiness equals health.