Expectations Quotes
Quotes tagged as "expectations"
Showing 241-270 of 1,191

“There's always hope. We can give up, or we can hold on to it. We can grasp it until the stars burn out and the world collapses. Because even in the most desperate times, in the more uninhabitable places, it's there. It's there in the spots you least expect. We simply must be brave enough to look for it.”
― The General
― The General

“Don't force people to live up to your dreams of who they might be.”
― Yumi and the Nightmare Painter
― Yumi and the Nightmare Painter

“She'd gone to the right schools, chosen the right career, married the right partner, formed the right family - and made enormous sacrifices in the process, and yet here she was, thoroughly miserable, horrified by the prospect that her entire existence had been built on lies.”
― Counterfeit
― Counterfeit

“And that is all I will ever ask of you, my newborn son, in the first hours of your long journey toward becoming a man who can think and act and take part in the world—only this and nothing else: to fight the good fight.”
― Baumgartner
― Baumgartner

“Travel unsettles the appropriate. You’re bound to be inappropriate. Which is probably why I don’t feel the intense embarrassment some do at not being able to speak foreign languages correctly. It seems to me that one of the privileges of travel is never to fit in. And not to fit in, not to be able to, is a kind of freedom. One of the freedoms that money can buy, like buying a hotel room in which one is psychologically unburdened and can act out guilty pleasures, capitalist ones, no doubt.”
― Motion Sickness
― Motion Sickness

“You didn't wear that offensive shapewear again, did you? If so, we're heading straight to the bathroom.
You can't take it off me, I hissed.
So you did wear it?
If you were me, you might have been tempted to double up.
Lamont rolled his eyes, a ghost of a smile flirting with the edges of his lips. There is nothing wrong with your figure, other than you trying to strangle it every time you wear a dress.”
― The Love Script
You can't take it off me, I hissed.
So you did wear it?
If you were me, you might have been tempted to double up.
Lamont rolled his eyes, a ghost of a smile flirting with the edges of his lips. There is nothing wrong with your figure, other than you trying to strangle it every time you wear a dress.”
― The Love Script
“For what if it were easier to love a pattern when you were a pattern yourself? When social life required that you fall into its established patterns, starting with the basic division of day and night?
What if it were much harder to love what is irregular, interruptive, scattered, and uncontained?”
― The Long Form
What if it were much harder to love what is irregular, interruptive, scattered, and uncontained?”
― The Long Form
“The world is surprising. It had undiscovered stores. It is not yet wholly given. There will be new gestures, new questions, new forms of life. The capacity to welcome them, to make room for them (to accommodate without crushing them), to learn from and be transformed by them depends on the provision of this “quiet yet live holding”---in this form. Then in all its further expected and unexpected, tested, and as yet unimagined forms.”
― The Long Form
― The Long Form

“And Puddle was helpless. What could she do, bound as she was by the tyranny of silence? She dared not explain the girl to herself, dared not say: 'For your own sake you must go to Oxford, you'll need every weapon your brain can give you; being what you are you'll need every weapon,' for then certainly Stephen would start to question, and her teacher's very position of trust would forbid her to answer those questions.
Outrageous, Puddle would feel it to be, that wilfully selfish tyranny of silence evolved by a crafty old ostrich of a world for its own wellbeing and comfort. The world hid its head in the sands of convention, so that seeing nothing it might avoid Truth. It said to itself: 'If seeing's believing, then I don't want to see—if silence is golden, it is also, in this case, very expedient.' There were moments when Puddle would feel sorely tempted to shout out loud at the world.”
― The Well of Loneliness
Outrageous, Puddle would feel it to be, that wilfully selfish tyranny of silence evolved by a crafty old ostrich of a world for its own wellbeing and comfort. The world hid its head in the sands of convention, so that seeing nothing it might avoid Truth. It said to itself: 'If seeing's believing, then I don't want to see—if silence is golden, it is also, in this case, very expedient.' There were moments when Puddle would feel sorely tempted to shout out loud at the world.”
― The Well of Loneliness
“we are amateur shooting stras
3 seconds falling down from the sky
people are looking
start to put their temporary wishes on us
funny isn’t it?
we let them put their wishes
when we actually do not even know
what we are doing right now
racing to the ground
cannot carry more wishes to grant on”
― The Moon and Her Secrets
3 seconds falling down from the sky
people are looking
start to put their temporary wishes on us
funny isn’t it?
we let them put their wishes
when we actually do not even know
what we are doing right now
racing to the ground
cannot carry more wishes to grant on”
― The Moon and Her Secrets
“Artists must also reckon with the uncanny feeling that by the time we’ve finished a new work, we’ve often ended up creating something different from what we set out to do. This feeling of surprise, of the unexpected, can delight or disappoint us. … The creative process is an inexplicable, inspired, crystallizing place where the artist becomes an audience to the work, almost doesn’t know where it came from.”
― How to Be an Artist
― How to Be an Artist

“By expecting that every day of your life plays out like it is meant to, you learn to expect less and live in each moment.”
― How to Become Emotionally Smarter
― How to Become Emotionally Smarter

“Ele amava Carolina como ela era, mas sempre com o coração projetado no futuro e naquela que ele acreditava um dia podia surgir”
― Amar Depois de Amar-te
― Amar Depois de Amar-te

“How quickly the shell of a routine is shattered.
Any routine, however solid it may be, is obliterated by the unexpected.”
― La encomienda
Any routine, however solid it may be, is obliterated by the unexpected.”
― La encomienda
“I always love to start my class or discussion with generated questions! When an expectation is known, meeting needs becomes easier.”

“There is what you intend to happen, and there is what happens. Events slip from the grasp; people, above all, evade. They set out as one thing, and become another.”
― Perfect Happiness
― Perfect Happiness

“That's the kind of thing that keeps people sane, she thought at rough moments. Constancy. That night will follow day. That the world at least is reliable.”
― Perfect Happiness
― Perfect Happiness
“To live long enough is to find that one’s future, when it arrives, is as foreign a country as the past.”

“As the comic strip character Pogo purportedly said, we have met the enemy and he is us. Our distorted, unrealistic expectations for avoiding all failures are indeed the culprit.”
― Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well
― Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well

“The oasis is always over the next hill. And the next hill is always more of the same desert.”
― Antiquities
― Antiquities
*not to follow the conventional path, but dance to the rhythm of your own aspirations.
*not to fear failure, but to see it as a stepping stone toward evolving.
*not to conform, but to write your unique story with valorous strokes of individuality.
*not to blend in, but to stand out like a lone star in the night sky.
*not to be a mere spectator, but an active architect of your own narrative.
*not to be bound by expectations, but to revel in the glorious freedom of your authentic self.”
*not to follow the conventional path, but dance to the rhythm of your own aspirations.
*not to fear failure, but to see it as a stepping stone toward evolving.
*not to conform, but to write your unique story with valorous strokes of individuality.
*not to blend in, but to stand out like a lone star in the night sky.
*not to be a mere spectator, but an active architect of your own narrative.
*not to be bound by expectations, but to revel in the glorious freedom of your authentic self.”

“It's human to have expectations, but clinging to them causes suffering. If we can loosen our grip on expectations and settle down on whichever side of the balance we fall at this moment, we find unshakable peace of mind, and a truly stable life unfolds.”
― The Zen Teaching of Homeless Kodo
― The Zen Teaching of Homeless Kodo
“I started asking a question that, after years and years of practice, has become almost instinct to me in times of disappointment and frustration: What tiny miracle is there buried beneath this disappointment? ...Miracle Hunters are relentless. And they understand the difference between expectations and being expectant. They look for tiny miracles everywhere but they stay open to being surprised by what exactly that miracle will look and feel like. They have cultivated what I call "Positive Paranoia" and believe that hidden within the disappointment, the failure, the unexpected change of plans, there is a nugget of a miracle just waiting to be discovered. ...The minute you start hunting for miracles, the entire way you see the world changes.”
― Beginner's Pluck: Build Your Life of Purpose and Impact Now
― Beginner's Pluck: Build Your Life of Purpose and Impact Now
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