GNU Octave version 9.4.0 has been released and is now available for download. An official Windows binary installer is available. For macOS see the installation instructions in the wiki.
Scientific Programming Language
The Octave syntax is largely compatible with Matlab. The Octave interpreter can be run in GUI mode, as a console, or invoked as part of a shell script. More Octave examples can be found in the Octave wiki.
Solve systems of equations with linear algebra operations on vectors and matrices.
b = [4; 9; 2] # Column vector
A = [ 3 4 5;
1 3 1;
3 5 9 ]
x = A \ b # Solve the system Ax = b
Visualize data with high-level plot commands in 2D and 3D.
x = -10:0.1:10; # Create an evenly-spaced vector from -10..10
y = sin (x); # y is also a vector
plot (x, y);
title ("Simple 2-D Plot");
xlabel ("x");
ylabel ("sin (x)");
GNU Octave can be extended by packages. Find them at:
Octave is free software licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Assuming you have Mercurial installed on your machine you may obtain the latest development version of Octave sources with the following command:
hg clone
GNU Octave 9.4.0 Released – Feb 7, 2025
GNU Octave version 9.4.0 has been released and is now available for download. An official Windows binary installer is available. For macOS see the installation instructions in the wiki.