The Zig Software Foundation is a non-profit corporation founded in 2020 by Andrew Kelley, the creator of Zig, with the goal of supporting the development of the language. Currently, the ZSF is able to offer paid work at competitive rates to a small number of core contributors. We hope to be able to extend this offer to more core contributors in the future.
New York, NY
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 84-5105214Fundraisers
Ladislav Böhm 1I am not a low level developer but if I always wanted to try to become one. When I look at Zig I can finally see a nice well thought language that is easy to understand.
Chris Boesch 10I want Zig to remain independent!
David Nowotny 3I don't want to write c++ anymore
Ingimar Jóhannesson Keep up the good work!
Tercio Sousa Keep up!