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Study using robots to map orchards inadvertently identifies pollination problem

The robots were trialled on almond, apple, lychee, custard apple, avocado and banana farms.

The robots were trialled on a range of orchard crops and used cameras, lasers and software to identify fruit. (Supplied: Horticulture Innovation Australia)

A project that set out to build a robot which could work autonomously in orchards has had the unintended side effect of helping pollinators, like bees, do their work.


Researchers from the University of Sydney's Australian Centre for Field Robotics were set the task of developing a robot that could map and navigate an orchard without human interference.

Funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia, the project sought to develop a platform that could navigate an orchard and map its environment with a view to later add other husbandry tools to assist with tasks like weeding, spraying, counting and measuring fruit.

But research marketing and investment general manager David Moore said on one farm, the project inadvertently identified an issue with pollination.

"Throughout this mapping process, we found that an apple grower saw quite a difference in the productivity and the size of some of the apple rows and he'd not previously known why that was," Mr Moore said.

"We determined it was a pollination issue.

"It's usual practice to have several pollination rows within each orchard block but he didn't really have enough pollinator rows.

"That certainly wasn't what we were expecting."

The grower has since planted more cross-pollination trees which has helped the bees do their work and led to an improvement in productivity.

Robot creator surprised to see success in orchards

Senior research fellow Dr James Underwood initially built the 1.5-metre machines he has named Shrimp in 2009 as a research tool to be used by the defence force, but they have since gone on to work in mining, logistics and agriculture.

Despite that adaptability, he said he was still a little surprised to see the robots be so successful in orchards.

"Our focus was to try to engineer the system to be able to provide really useful, meaningful data that growers could use to make decisions to improve how much produce they're able to grow on their orchard," Dr Underwood said.

The robots were trialled on almond, apple, lychee, custard apple, avocado and banana farms, and moved together either side of the rows of the orchard carrying a series of cameras, lasers and software.

The data gathered was then used to create a series of algorithms which led to the identification of the fruit, and the pollination problem.

The Australian-made robots were able to identify yield variation patterns consistent with poor pollination.

The Australian-made robots were able to identify yield variation patterns consistent with poor pollination, and growers have planted more pollinator trees to address the issue. (Supplied: Horticulture Innovation Australia)

Robots have potential to save thousands of dollars

Dr Underwood said the robots had the potential to improve a range of farm practices in ways that could save growers thousands, include crop estimations and labour costs.

"Growers will often pick maybe one tree to represent say 4,000 in a block and that tree is chosen to be representative of the average and then they'll focus on that one and count [the fruit] by hand," he said.

"But it's not really practical to increase that and count the fruit on every tree, whereas a system like this one, which can drive itself up and down the rows and [which] uses the camera images to count all the fruit, that's then a very practical way to really count every single apple in a whole orchard."

The robots have since moved on to a new project 3D mapping every macadamia, mango and avocado tree in the country.

Hort Innovation chief executive John Lloyd said the detailed data showed the capacity for robots to identify individual pieces of fruit and nuts, which could pave the way for fully autonomous tree fruit and nut picking.

"This study has provided a real window into a not-too-distant future where labour hire shortages and associated costs no longer need to be key concerns for tree crop growers," Mr Lloyd said.

"Ultimately, this technology will enable growers to save time and money, allowing growers to get their produce to consumers more efficiently while increasing their overall farm gate returns."

David Moore from Hort Innovation said given the productivity issues associated with the cost and availability of labour, robots had the capability to revolutionise horticulture.

"The cost of labour for horticulture is a well known issue and the lack of skilled labour is well highlighted," he said.

"[Robots] don't take any lunch breaks, they don't have smoko, they don't have to go to the rest room and they don't have set hours of work.

"So the productivity we can expect from robotics could be phenomenal."

The robots worked concurrently up orchard rows to identify fruit

The robots worked concurrently up orchard rows to identify fruit and issues like a lack of pollination (Supplied: Horticulture Innovation Australia)