"This is my coordinate diary."
_My Profile_
・Living area
→West Japan
→High school student 3rd.
Thank you for coming my page.
I'm learning about how to express ourselves with
many types of clothes whatever we like.
I’ll share my coordinate on this page.
If you think ”Good” , Please dye the heart red
and put it in your ”Favorite”.
2019.8.09~WEAR START
2019.8.29~ZOZOTOWNモデル掲載(DIESEL Watch)
2020.2.23~ZOZOTOWNモデル掲載(CERCA Shirt)
2020.3.03~ZOZOTOWNモデル掲載(SPINNS Hat)
2020.7.06~ZOZOTOWNモデル掲載(CERCA Shirt)
2021.12.17~ZOZOTOWNモデル掲載(HARUTA Loafer)