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kraft cloud compose up

Deploy services in a compose project to Unikraft Cloud

Use an existing Composefile or docker-compose.yaml file to start a number of services as instances on Unikraft Cloud.

Note that this is an experimental command and not all attributes of the Composefile are supported nor are all flags identical.

kraft cloud compose up [FLAGS] [COMPONENT]


# Build and deploy a Compose project on Unikraft Cloud.
$ kraft cloud compose up
# Build and deploy the nginx service from a Compose project on
# Unikraft Cloud.
$ kraft cloud compose up nginx component
# (If applicable) Set or override a runtime for a particular service
$ kraft cloud compose up --runtime app=base:latest


-d, --detach Run the services in the background
-h, --help help for up
--no-build Do not build the services before starting them
--runtime strings Alternative runtime to use when packaging a service
-w, --wait duration Timeout to wait for the instance to start (ms/s/m/h)

Options inherited from parent commands

--file string Set the Compose file.
--metro string Unikraft Cloud metro location
--token string Unikraft Cloud access token


The kraft cloud compose up command can also be run as:


See Also