PHP open_basedir If you want to access your local minidlna-database located outside the document root of your apache2 webserver you have to set the open_basedir. php.ini Set the "open_basedir=/var/lib/minidlna" in you php.ini (/var/lib/minidlna is where the minidlna-db is located) and restart the apache2 server .htaccess If you dont have access to the php.ini, and you are ALLOWED to change php-settings via .htaccess file, then create in your minidlna-webdirectory (accessable over the web) a file...
if your Website's document-root is /var/www/localhost/htdocs and your webadress is then you may could access the minidlna-webinterface via the adress: .. Important is, that the database you use is accessable by apache-user If your minidlna-db is located in /var/lib/minidlna/ you have to allow php/apache to access this folder, for example in the "php.ini" using the open_basedir=/var/lib/minidlna or in a .htaccess file in the /var/www/localhost/htdocs/minidlna-Directory...
Apache2 - MiniDLN
Bugfix (Query)
Hy at @all i still updated the external Webinterface for ReadyMedia/Minidlna, you could find it under: or New features are: - Startpage with the last 30 new Files added in ReadyMedia/MiniDLNA - Compatibility for PHP8.1 (inkl. Instruction von mcrypt) - 2-Way Download: a) if using web interface on minidlna-server them self, link from original filepath b) if using web interface from othersystem, direct link...
Update Version 1.7b
(default-Files) not not symlinked, static files
JQuery-Script local now, because not every minidlna-server will have access to the internet ..
Bugfix for googleapi, if minidlnaWeb is https, the googleapi might be included also per https .. so googleapi generally per https
Directory Cleanup
Update to Version rev16c
New SQLite-Databasemanager (
PHP8.0 DatenbankManager/DatabaseManager (NEU/NEW)
CLOSED with Minidlna_Rev16 in the inc/, 2 Parameters where added: password, theme both depending on Sqlite-Manager, and can be configured by the config-menu of the websystem, so no need for hard-coding .. Languange of the Sqlite-Manager will be automatically the same as of the minidlna-webinterface, if you change the language there it will be changed automaticall in the Sqlite-Manager .. in der Datei inc/, wurden 2 Parameter hinzugefügt: password, theme diese gehören zum...
PHP8.0 DatenbankManager/DatabaseManager (NEU/NEW)
Important Notes for the new Database Manager: mbstring is needed (Ubuntu: apt-get install mbstring) just link the files.db in the db-Directory (ln -s /var/lib/minidlna/files.db .) There is NO Password for the Databasemanager (could be changed in: "phpliteadmin.config.php" - Line 13: $password = ""; => $password = "meinpassword"; Themes are available from, download, extract and copy the .css from the subfolder (theme you want) to the /db/ directory Wichtiger...
PHP8.0 BugFix (Error in brakets)
CLOSED with Version: Minidlna_Rev16
PHP8.0 BugFix (Error in brakets)
PHP8.0 DatenbankManager/DatabaseManager (NEU/NEW)
Attached the necessary Patch-File Copy the file to the minidlna/default-Directory Open a console/shell patch Or change the lines manually as mentioned in the comment beyond Im Anhang das notwendige Patch-File Kopieren Sie die .patch-Datei in das Verzeichnis minidlna/default Öffnen Sie eine Console/Shell patch oder ändern Sie die Zeilen händisch wie im vorherigen Beitrag angegeben ..
PHP8.0 BugFix (Error in brakets)
PHP8.0 BugFix (Error in brakets)
local config-files ignoring
Batchscript zur .tar-erzeugung
remove ignore patterns from directory
remove old dirs and corrected files.db symlink
Fine, now work is still in progress, new features, if you want to test it? The project its self goes stable.
icons-files for directory listening (copy of /usr/share/apache2/icons) directory ..
alte Archive entfernt
Screenshots have been removed
New Revison 15: Status change to stable
Added russian as a language