Compare the Top Web Servers as of March 2025

What are Web Servers?

Web servers, also known as HTTP servers, are servers that host websites and web applications. Web servers are the backbone of all sites and web apps on the internet. Many popular web servers are open source. Different web servers have advantages and disadvantages when compared to one another, and selecting the right one depends on use case, deployment, operating system, and more. Compare and read user reviews of the best Web Servers currently available using the table below. This list is updated regularly.

  • 1
    AWebServer will let you share your files from your phone to any device or computer easily. You can explore the files with any SO or browser through wireless. AWebServer is an easy and friendly solution to publish your own web in your Android device with PHP and all the features that Apache brings. MariaDb the old MySQL server is also included and the MyPhpAdmin application has been installed and ready to work with. Has integrated a FTP server to upload the contents and is compatible with Android 4 and above. This app is based on the famous and stable Apache 2 server, known by its stability in Android devices. Improved look of Apache indexes files. Updated servers for 64 bits arch and phpMyAdmin. Distributed appbundle to reduce size of the app.
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    Apache HTTP Server

    Apache HTTP Server

    Apache Software Foundation

    The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX and Windows. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible server that provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards.
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    Since 2024 Jaisocx supports PHP over HTTP/3, intuitively switching among HTTP/1.1, h2 and h3 depending on negotiation with HTTP client. a) Unique feature is Charset detection of published text contents, and making browser showing correctly extended ascii chars like in German or French alphabets. b) It has built-in motor for securing endpoints with Basic Auth and JSON Web Token. c) Proxy Endpoints. d) Also the framework-like solution for publishing SQL queries results in JSON format out of the box with minimal configuration. e) On the same company site this software is well documented. f) Software is free, g) and has the Docker Hub repository h) and repository with some basic samples for Laravel, Symfony and WordPress apps under Docker Compose.
    Starting Price: $0
  • 4
    NGINX Open Source: The open source web server that powers more than 400 million websites. NGINX Plus is a software load balancer, web server, and content cache built on top of open source NGINX. Use NGINX Plus instead of your hardware load balancer and get the freedom to innovate without being constrained by infrastructure. Save more than 80% compared to hardware ADCs, without sacrificing performance or functionality. Deploy anywhere: public cloud, private cloud, bare metal, virtual machines, and containers. Save time by performing common tasks through the built‑in NGINX Plus API. From NetOps to DevOps, modern app teams need a self‑service, API‑driven platform that integrates easily into CI/CD workflows to accelerate app deployment – whether your app has a hybrid or microservices architecture – and makes app lifecycle management easier.
  • 5
    Tiny Web Server

    Tiny Web Server

    Leonardo Javier Russo

    Tiny Web Server for Android 4.0 and above. Runs as a service, has different charsets, and it's easy to configure. Auto-start function (the server will be started automatically on boot every time). Minimalist interface, folder and file listing, low memory consumption.
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    It is enough to install KSWEB on your Android device and copy scripts to the htdocs folder on the memory card. After that, you can run your web content! So, KSWEB is a set for web developers for the Android platform. The package consists of a web server, FTP server, PHP programming language, MySQL DBMS and scheduler. KSWEB does not need root rights for proper functioning, unless, of course, you want to use the server on port 80. By the way, it can be convenient when opening your server on the Internet. This will allow you to have a small hosting in your pocket! To start the web server, you need to start KSWEB, specify, if necessary, the port and the root directory. By default, KSWEB contains fully-configured configuration files for all components. Our package easily runs popular CMS and frameworks such as Yii2, Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, MODX, etc. If you have any questions about how to run this or that CMS we will answer them!
    Starting Price: $4.99 one-time payment
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    Security, speed, compliance, and flexibility — all of these describe lighttpd (pron. lighty) which is rapidly redefining efficiency of a webserver; as it is designed and optimized for high performance environments. With a small memory footprint compared to other web-servers, effective management of the cpu-load, and advanced feature set (FastCGI, SCGI, Auth, Output-Compression, URL-Rewriting and many more) lighttpd is the perfect solution for every server that is suffering load problems. And best of all it's Open Source licensed under the revised BSD license. lighttpd powers several popular Web 2.0 sites. Its high speed io-infrastructure allows them to scale several times better with the same hardware than with alternative web-servers.
  • 8
    F5 NGINX Plus
    The software load balancer, reverse proxy, web server, & content cache with the enterprise features and support you expect. Modern app infrastructure and dev teams love NGINX Plus. More than just the fastest web server around, NGINX Plus brings you everything you love about NGINX Open Source, adding enterprise‑grade features like high availability, active health checks, DNS system discovery, session persistence, and a RESTful API. NGINX Plus is a cloud‑native, easy-to-use reverse proxy, load balancer, and API gateway. Whether you need to integrate advanced monitoring, strengthen security controls, or orchestrate Kubernetes containers, NGINX Plus delivers the five‑star support you expect from NGINX. NGINX Plus provides scalable and reliable high availability along with monitoring to support debugging and diagnosing complex application architectures. Active health checks proactively poll upstream server status to get ahead of issues.
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    Microsoft IIS

    Microsoft IIS


    Internet Information Services (IIS) for Windows® Server is a flexible, secure and manageable Web server for hosting anything on the Web. From media streaming to web applications, IIS's scalable and open architecture is ready to handle the most demanding tasks.
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    Traefik Labs

    What is Traefik Enterprise Edition? TraefikEE is a cloud-native load balancer and Kubernetes ingress controller that eases networking complexity for application teams. Built on top of open source Traefik, TraefikEE brings exclusive distributed and high-availability features combined with premium bundled support for production grade deployments. Split into proxies and controllers, TraefikEE supports clustered deployments to increase security, scalability and high availability. Deploy applications anywhere, on-premises or in the cloud, and natively integrate with top-notch infrastructure tooling. Save time and give better consistency while deploying, managing, and scaling applications by leveraging dynamic and automatic TraefikEE features. Improve the application development and delivery cycle by giving developers the visibility and ownership of their services.
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    Caddy simplifies your infrastructure. It takes care of TLS certificate renewals, OCSP stapling, static file serving, reverse proxying, Kubernetes ingress, and more. Its modular architecture means you can do more with a single, static binary that compiles for any platform. Caddy runs great in containers because it has no dependencies—not even libc. Run Caddy practically anywhere. Caddy obtains and renews TLS certificates for your sites automatically. It even staples OCSP responses. Its novel certificate management features are the most mature and reliable in its class. Written in go, Caddy offers greater memory safety than servers written in C. A hardened TLS stack powered by the go standard library serves a significant portion of all Internet traffic. Caddy is both a flexible, efficient static file server and a powerful, scalable reverse proxy.
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    As an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime, Node.js is designed to build scalable network applications. Upon each connection, the callback is fired, but if there is no work to be done, Node.js will sleep. This is in contrast to today's more common concurrency model, in which OS threads are employed. Thread-based networking is relatively inefficient and very difficult to use. Furthermore, users of Node.js are free from worries of dead-locking the process, since there are no locks. Almost no function in Node.js directly performs I/O, so the process never blocks except when the I/O is performed using synchronous methods of Node.js standard library. Because nothing blocks, scalable systems are very reasonable to develop in Node.js. Node.js is similar in design to, and influenced by, systems like Ruby's Event Machine and Python's Twisted. Node.js takes the event model a bit further. It presents an event loop as a runtime construct instead of as a library.
  • 13
    Tornado Web Server
    Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed. By using non-blocking network I/O, Tornado can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long polling, WebSockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user. Tornado is different from most Python web frameworks. It is not based on WSGI, and it is typically run with only one thread per process. While some support of WSGI is available in the tornado.wsgi module, it is not a focus of development and most applications should be written to use Tornado’s own interfaces (such as tornado.web) directly instead of using WSGI. In general, Tornado code is not thread-safe. Tornado is integrated with the standard library asyncio module and shares the same event loop (by default since Tornado 5.0). In general, libraries designed for use with asyncio can be mixed freely with Tornado.
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    OpenResty® is a full-fledged web platform that integrates our enhanced version of the Nginx core, our enhanced version of LuaJIT, many carefully written Lua libraries, lots of high-quality 3rd-party Nginx modules, and most of their external dependencies. It is designed to help developers easily build scalable web applications, web services, and dynamic web gateways. By taking advantage of various well-designed Nginx modules (most of which are developed by the OpenResty team themselves), OpenResty® effectively turns the nginx server into a powerful web app server, in which the web developers can use the Lua programming language to script various existing nginx C modules and Lua modules and construct extremely high-performance web applications that are capable to handle 10K ~ 1000K+ connections in a single box. OpenResty® aims to run your server-side web app completely in the Nginx server, leveraging Nginx's event model to do non-blocking I/O with the HTTP clients.
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    Cherokee is an innovative, feature-rich, lightning-fast and easy to configure open source web server designed for the next generation of highly concurrent secured web applications. All the configuration is done through Cherokee-Admin, a beautiful and powerful web interface. Cherokee supports the most widespread web technologies, FastCGI, SCGI, PHP, uWSGI, SSI, CGI, LDAP, TLS/SSL, HTTP proxying, video streaming, content caching, traffic shaping, etc. Cherokee runs on Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, and BSD. It is highly efficient, extremely lightweight and provides rock-solid stability. Among its many features, there is one that deserves special credit, a user-friendly interface called cherokee-admin that is provided for a no-hassle configuration of every single feature of the server. This administration interface allows you to configure the webserver without having to worry about editing a text file written with a certain syntax.
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    The goal of this project is to do one thing and do it well, namely serving static web directories and doing that right. Most other solutions either are too complex (CGI support, dependencies on external libraries, etc.) or lack features you expect (TLS, virtual hosts, partial content, not modified since, etc.). quark tries to find a midway and just restrict itself to being static while still offering functions you only find in more bloated solutions and being as secure as possible (chroot, privilege dropping, strict parsers, no malloc at runtime, pledge, unveil, etc.). We believe that most of the web does not need to be dynamic and increasing complexity on server-side applications is one of the main reasons for the web obesity crisis. The common approach nowadays is to do everything on the server, including parsing requests, modifying files and databases, generating HTML and all that using unfit languages like PHP or JavaScript, which is a security and efficiency nightmare.
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    H2O is a new generation HTTP server that provides a quicker response to users with less CPU utilization when compared to older generation of web servers. Designed from the ground up, the server takes full advantage of HTTP/2 features including prioritized content serving and server push, promising an outstanding experience to the visitors of your website. Full support for dependency and weight-based prioritization with server-side tweaks. Thanks to others, H2O is provided as a binary package on some environments. Therefore you may try to at first install the software using your favorite packaging system, and then resort to installing from source. Generally speaking, we believe that using LibreSSL is a better choice for running H2O, since LibreSSL not only is considered to be more secure than OpenSSL but also provides support for new ciphersuites.
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    Eclipse Jetty

    Eclipse Jetty

    Eclipse Foundation

    Jetty provides a web server and servlet container, additionally providing support for HTTP/2, WebSocket, OSGi, JMX, JNDI, JAAS and many other integrations. These components are open source and are freely available for commercial use and distribution. Jetty is used in a wide variety of projects and products, both in development and production. Jetty has long been loved by developers due to its long history of being easily embedded in devices, tools, frameworks, application servers, and modern cloud services. Full-featured and standards-based. Open source and commercially usable, flexible and extensible, small footprint, embeddable, asynchronous, enterprise scalable, and dual-licensed under Apache and Eclipse. Large clusters, such as Facebook Presto. Cloud computing, such as Google AppEngine. With the direction of Java and the JakartaEE project (formerly JavaEE) in 2020, the current recommended version of Jetty for use depends upon the servlet API version, desired licensing, etc.
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    Monkey Server

    Monkey Server

    Monkey Server

    Monkey is a lightweight and powerful web server and development stack for Linux & OSX. It has been designed to be very scalable with low memory and CPU consumption, the perfect solution for embedded devices. Made for ARM, x86 and x64. Monkey is a lightweight and scalable Web Server. Originally made for Linux, it's also compatible with OSX. It have been designed with a strong focus on Embedded devices, therefore its scalable by nature having a low memory and CPU consumption, making it a real solution for high-end production servers too. Monkey is built and tested for different architectures such as ARM, x86 and x64. Monkey uses a hybrid mechanism composed by a fixed number of threads being each one capable to attend thousands of clients thanks to the event-driven model based in asynchronous sockets. The interaction between the scheduler and each worker thread is lock-free, avoiding race conditions and exposing a huge performance compared to other available options.
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    Tengine is a web server originated by Taobao, the largest e-commerce website in Asia. It is based on the Nginx HTTP server and has many advanced features. Tengine has proven to be very stable and efficient on some of the top 100 websites in the world, including Taobao and tmall. Tengine has been an open source project since December 2011. It is being actively developed by the Tengine team, whose core members are from Taobao, Sogou and other internet companies. Tengine is a community effort and everyone is encouraged to get involved. All features of Nginx-1.17.3 are inherited, i.e., it is compatible with Nginx. Support the connect HTTP method for forward proxy. Enhanced operations monitoring, such as asynchronous log & rollback, DNS caching, memory usage, etc. Sends unbuffered upload directly to HTTP and FastCGI backend servers, which saves disk I/Os. More load balancing methods, e.g., consistent hashing, session persistence, upstream health check, etc.
  • 21
    Cowboy is the ultimate server for the modern Web with support for Websocket, HTTP/2 and REST. Cowboy is a small, fast and modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP. Cowboy aims to provide a complete modern Web stack. This includes HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, WebSocket, server-sent events and Webmachine-based REST. Cowboy comes with functions for introspection and tracing, enabling developers to know precisely what is happening at any time. Its modular design also easily enables developers to add instrumentation. Cowboy is a high-quality project. It has a small code base, is very efficient (both in latency and memory use) and can easily be embedded in another application. Cowboy is clean Erlang code. It includes hundreds of tests and its code is fully compliant with the Dialyzer. It is also well documented and features a function reference, a user guide and numerous tutorials. Knowledge of the HTTP protocol is recommended but not required, as it will be detailed throughout the guide.
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    Apache Traffic Server

    Apache Traffic Server

    Apache Software Foundation

    Apache Traffic Server™ software is a fast, scalable and extensible HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 compliant caching proxy server. Formerly a commercial product, Yahoo! donated it to the Apache Foundation, and currently used by several major CDNs and content owners. Improve your response time, while reducing server load and bandwidth needs by caching and reusing frequently-requested web pages, images, and web service calls. Scales well on modern SMP hardware, handling 10s of thousands of requests per second. Easily add keep-alive, filter or anonymize content requests, or add load balancing by adding a proxy layer. APIs to write your own plug-ins to do anything from modifying HTTP headers to handling ESI requests to writing your own cache algorithm. Handling over 400TB a day at Yahoo! both as forward and reverse proxies, Apache Traffic Server is battle hardened.
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    Kestrel is a cross-platform web server for ASP.NET Core. Kestrel is the web server that's included and enabled by default in ASP.NET Core project templates. Kestrel supports HTTPS, HTTP/2 (except on macOS), Opaque upgrade used to enable WebSockets, Unix sockets for high performance behind Nginx. Kestrel is supported on all platforms and versions that .NET Core supports. Some browsers require granting explicit permission to trust the local development certificate. Project templates configure apps to run on HTTPS by default and include HTTPS redirection and HSTS support. The Kestrel web server has constraint configuration options that are especially useful in Internet-facing deployments. There's a separate limit for connections that have been upgraded from HTTP or HTTPS to another protocol (for example, on a WebSockets request). The default maximum request body size is 30,000,000 bytes, which is approximately 28.6 MB.
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    Kamran Zafar

    kWS is a lightweight and fast Web Server especially designed for Android mobile devices. It can be used to host websites and to serve files over HTTP. kWS implements HTTP-1.0. Basic & digest authentication for secure access. Server side includes (SSI). Directory index, directory downloads in tar, tgz & zip formats. Resumable file downloads, built-in Dynamic DNS updates, up to 20 parallel connections, comprehensive HTTP logs. HTTPS/TLS support with BKS & PKCS12 keystores. Password-based file encryption (128 bit AES & Triple DES). GZip file compression, directory index in JSON & XML formats and index sorting, highly configurable with support for up to 999 per-port parallel connections. Directory level configuration, support for more Dynamic DNS providers like ZoneEdit etc. kWS also provides auto start on boot.
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    Mongoose turns a software product, a device or appliance into a web server, accessible by a browser. One of the most common use cases is to use Mongoose to add a Web-accessible control panel for a device. Ready-to-go examples and tutorials for common functionalities like authentication, live logs, video streaming. Using Mongoose, it is easy to create various API to control your device or application remotely, via browser, mobile phone, or automation tools. We have created an extremely memory-efficient, easy-to-use, MIT-licensed JSON library to use together with Mongoose. Real-time, full-duplex communication over MQTT or Websocket. Exchange plain data, or wrap data into JSON to use JSON-RPC! Mongoose turns a software product, a device or appliance into a web server, accessible by a browser. Upload device data to a cloud server of your choice. Use a 3rd party cloud provider, or spin your own.
  • 26
    Servers Ultimate

    Servers Ultimate

    Ice Cold Apps

    Now you can run almost every server you can think of. For example a web server, database server or storage server! Start a server easily on the 'Simple' tab or go advanced and add users, allowed IP's and more! Multiple servers can be run at the same time and no root is needed. This app will work for 7 days after which you will need to buy the paid version. You can only add two servers in this version. Unfortunately, we need to do this to support development. Provides 18 network tools! Remote control support, includes a PHP Server, NAS Server, dedicated server and/or honeypot! Encryption for settings and password support! Tasker/Llama support! Start and stop servers using WIFI/SMS/call/power or cronjob rules! Or use the 'Trigger Server' for more! Set a port, network interface to listen on, backlog, logging (to file), etc. If rooted set a port below 1024. Provides Widget support and much more!
  • 27
    PAW Server

    PAW Server

    PAW Server

    Connect your PC via WiFi or USB (ADB is supported). For more security HTTPS is available. PAW provides a Tasker/Locale integration to make automatic startup and shutdown easy. PAW is a true web server allowing you to host your own pages on your Android device. Just put your content into the /sdcard/paw/HTML directory, and that's it! Not only can you deploy your own web page but you can also develop your own dynamic web applications. The Android API can be used, this also includes SQLite database connectivity. With PAW you can install plugins ranging from PHP to PirateBox or develop plugins yourself. Explore Android with PAW by utilizing the Android API and changing the exiting code. Most of PAW's web application is available as plain text for you to edit and enhance. Documentation and examples are available from within the web application. You can build your own server based on PAW free of charge for private and educational purposes.
  • 28
    KickWeb Server
    Easy and automatic installation, everything is pre-configured, low memory consumption, low CPU usage, capable of serving requests simultaneously, not need of root access though you can use root as well, and completely free of charge along with no advertisement. This is the best Android web server. Internal memory should not be less than 50MB! Lighttpd 1.4.34, PHP 5.5.9, MySQL 5.1.62,, MSMTP 1.4.31, phpMyAdmin 4.1.10, and Nginx 1.5.11. One thing you should remember is starting server before entering configurations.
  • 29


    LiteSpeed Technologies

    OpenLiteSpeed is the Open Source edition of LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise. Both servers are actively developed and maintained by the same team, and are held to the same high-quality coding standard. OpenLiteSpeed contains all of the essential features found in LiteSpeed Enterprise, and represents our commitment to support the Open Source community. Event driven processes, less overhead, and enormous scalability. Keep your existing hardware. OpenLiteSpeed is mod_rewrite compatible, with no new syntax to learn. Continue to use your existing rewrite rules. Built-in full-page cache module is highly-customizable and efficient for an exceptional user experience. Automatically implement Google’s PageSpeed optimization system with the mod_pagespeed module. Install OpenLiteSpeed, MariaDB and WordPress on various operating systems with just one click.
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    Hiawatha has been written with security in mind. This resulted in a highly secure webserver in both code and features. Hiawatha can stop SQL injections, XSS and CSRF attacks and exploit attempts. Via a specially crafted monitoring tool, you can keep track of all your webservers. You don't need to be a HTTP or CGI expert to get Hiawatha up and running. Its configuration syntax is easy to learn. The documentation and examples you can find on this website will give you all the information you need to configure your webserver within minutes. Although Hiawatha has everything a modern webserver needs, it's nevertheless a small and lightweight webserver. This makes Hiawatha ideal for older hardware or embedded systems. Special techniques are being used to keep the usage of resources as low as possible.
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Guide to Web Servers Software

A web server is a program that stores, processes, and delivers web pages to clients over the internet or intranet (a private network). Web servers are typically used to host websites and provide content such as HTML documents, images, videos, files, and other content on the world wide web.

The most common type of web server software is open source Apache HTTP Server. Apache is an extremely popular and powerful web server that runs on Windows, Linux/Unix systems, OS X 10.7+ Lion and some other operating systems. It can be installed and configured in minutes with a few clicks of the mouse. Apache comes with many features such as virtual hosting (support for multiple domain names), SSL/TLS support for secure connections, URL redirection capabilities for improved SEO (search engine optimization) performance, scripting language support including PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) and Perl CGI script execution capabilities; plus there are thousands of add-on modules which enhances its functionality even further.

Another popular open source web server software is Nginx. This lightweight yet powerful web server has gained popularity due to its low memory usage which makes it ideal for running on VPS (Virtual Private Servers) or shared hosting plans with limited memory resources. It also features asynchronous I/O mode which reduces latency when serving dynamic content through CGI scripts or FastCGI applications written in languages like Python or Ruby. Nginx supports caching of static files via reverse proxy capabilities to improve website loading times plus it has built-in support for load balancing across multiple backend servers.

IIS (Internet Information Services) from Microsoft is another popular Windows-based web server solution that comes bundled free with Windows operating systems such as Windows XP Professional, Vista Business/Ultimate editions and Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate editions. Although IIS is less feature-packed than some of the more mature open source solutions like Apache or Nginx; it does offer many useful features such as managed pipeline modes for .NET technology applications along with modern security protocols like TLS 1.2 to protect websites from malicious attacks over the internet.

At last but not least we have Lighttpd which stands for Lightweight Hypertext Transfer Protocol Daemon - a compact yet versatile UNIX-based web server designed especially for low-memory environments such as home computers & embedded devices like routers & NAS boxes (Network Attached Storage). Lighttpd offers native URL rewriting capabilities so you don't need complex external rewrite rules to properly handle URLs within your system; plus it has built-in features to handle XSLT processing & XML data feed publishing needs making it a very attractive option, if you're planning on setting up an RSS aggregator project or website featuring regularly updated XML data, feeds from external sources & services.

Features Offered by Web Servers Software

  • Hosting Websites: Web server software allows users to host their own websites, which allows them to customize the look and feel of their website as well as adding functions such as forums, blogs and user-generated content.
  • Domain Name System (DNS): Web server software includes a DNS system that is responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses so that web browsers can locate the website they are looking for.
  • Database Support: Web servers offer support for various databases, allowing developers to store and retrieve data from them in an efficient manner. This is especially useful for dynamic websites that require frequent updates.
  • Security Features: Server software comes with built-in security features such as firewall protection and SSL which help protect your site from intruders and data breaches.
  • Scripting Languages: Most web servers come with support for popular scripting languages like PHP, Java and ASP, which allow developers to create dynamic content and applications on their sites.
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP): FTP is a protocol that allows users to transfer files between computers over the internet. Most modern web servers include this feature by default so that developers can easily upload files without having to manually do it via a browser or other tool.
  • Logging Features: All web servers come with some form of logging feature so that administrators can see what events have occurred on their sites such as how many requests were made or errors encountered during the session.

What Are the Different Types of Web Servers Software?

  • Apache: Apache is an open-source web server software that is widely used for hosting websites and applications. It is developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation, and it runs on many operating systems such as Linux, Unix, Windows, and macOS. Features of Apache include URL rewriting, secure SSL/TLS encryption, support for multiple programming languages (PHP, Perl, Python), load balancing capabilities, authentication methods such as LDAP and Kerberos, virtual hosts to host multiple domains on one server.
  • IIS (Internet Information Services): IIS is a web server software developed by Microsoft which is mainly used to host websites running on the Windows platform. It supports many popular scripting languages like ASP.NET and PHP along with other features like support for secure connections via SSL/TLS protocols, load balancing techniques to handle high traffic volumes, integrated caching mechanism to improve the performance of dynamic content.
  • Nginx: Nginx is another open-source web server software that comes with powerful features for managing large amount of concurrent connections efficiently. It also provides good security through SSL/TLS protocols and supports various scripting languages such as Perl and Python. Load balancing capabilities are also included in Nginx which helps to distribute requests across multiple servers easily.
  • Lighttpd: Lighttpd is an open-source lightweight web server designed for serving static files quickly even under heavy loads. Its basic features include URL rewriting support for better SEO optimization of sites hosted on it along with fast CGI interface to process dynamic requests efficiently. It comes with built-in security measures against malicious inputs so that your website stays safe from attacks.

Benefits Provided by Web Servers Software

  1. Compatibility: Most web servers software is compatible with a wide range of operating systems, providing access to a variety of users and their hardware. This flexibility allows web server applications to be accessed from anywhere in the world.
  2. Security: Web servers software provides secure communication between the server and clients, ensuring that sensitive information is kept safe when transmitted over networks. The security measures employed in these programs often include encryption and authentication protocols, allowing for secure transactions even over public networks.
  3. Improved Performance: By offloading processing from the CPU to specialized components, web servers can provide improved performance for websites. This can lead to an overall increase in loading speed, which can greatly improve user experience, as well as reduce server costs and power consumption.
  4. Scalability: Web servers are designed to handle high levels of traffic without compromising performance or reliability. This scalability ensures that sites are able to serve large numbers of users simultaneously without experiencing any slowdowns due to heavy load times or other issues associated with low-performance hosting solutions.
  5. Ease of Maintenance: The modular design of most web server applications makes it easy for administrators to update and maintain them without having to completely rebuild the entire system every time a new version is released. The ability to remotely control management tasks also reduces the amount of time needed for maintenance and upgrades.

Types of Users that Use Web Servers Software

  • Business Users: Companies of all sizes use web servers software to create and manage websites, blogs, e-commerce stores, and many more business-oriented applications.
  • Personal Users: Individuals create personal websites using web server software to share information about their hobbies, education, interests, and other topics with the world.
  • Educational Institutions: Schools and universities utilize web servers for student collaboration projects as well as for publishing educational content online.
  • Government Agencies: Governments around the world use web server software to host public services such as taxation forms or other government documents.
  • Non-Profit Organizations: Nonprofits often rely on web servers to provide transparency into their operations by publishing or hosting financial documents or marketing materials online.
  • Web Developers & Designers: Professionals in these fields use web server software to develop custom applications or sites from scratch or by modifying existing ones.
  • Media Organizations & Content Creators: From news outlets to video streaming platforms, media companies rely on powerful web server software to serve up content that is often high quality and requires fast loading times.

How Much Does Web Servers Software Cost?

The cost of web server software can vary greatly depending on the type and features you are looking for. Generally, open source web server software such as Apache and Nginx are free to download and use, while more advanced solutions may range from a few hundred dollars up to several thousand dollars depending on the amount of features and services included. If you need extra features or technical support, many companies offer premium web server software options which come with additional features and professional customer service. Additionally, there may be ongoing fees for cloud hosting or regular maintenance subscriptions associated with these types of software solutions. Ultimately, it is important to consider your needs carefully when comparing the costs associated with different web server software solutions in order to find one that fits your budget while still providing the necessary tools for running a successful website.

Types of Software that Web Servers Software Integrates With

Software that can integrate with web servers includes content management systems, application servers, and database servers. Content management systems are used to store and retrieve website content such as HTML pages, images, videos, audio files, and other digital information. Application Servers provide a platform for applications to be built on and delivered via the web. Database Servers are used to manage data in relational databases or other types of structured databases. Additionally, development tools such as compilers and interpreters can also integrate with web servers software. The integration provides the ability to create dynamic websites by using programming languages such as PHP or ASP to build sites interactively from databases or other sources of data.

Recent Trends Related to Web Servers Software

  1. Apache is the most popular web server software, used by over 50% of websites. It is open source, free to use and highly customizable. It runs on multiple operating systems, including Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and BSD. The latest version of Apache includes improved security, performance and scalability.
  2. NGINX is the second most popular web server software and has been gaining traction since its introduction in 2004. It's a lightweight web server that is faster than Apache and is often used as a reverse proxy or load balancer. NGINX also offers advanced features such as caching and URL rewriting.
  3. Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Services) is the third most popular web server software. It's built for Windows servers and offers integrated security features, along with easy administration tools. The latest version of IIS includes support for running multiple sites on the same server, making it ideal for developers who want to run multiple applications on one machine.
  4. Node.js is a JavaScript-based platform that enables application developers to quickly create web applications with minimal setup time. Node.js has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its scalability, speed and ability to handle high-traffic loads.
  5. There are many other web server software packages available, such as LiteSpeed Web Server, Lighttpd and Jetty. These are typically aimed at specific needs or special applications, such as streaming media or real-time communication applications.

How to Find the Right Web Servers Software

Use the comparison engine on this page to help you compare web servers software by their features, prices, user reviews, and more.

Choosing the right web server software for hosting a website can be a tricky task. The following steps will help ensure that the best server is selected for the job:

  1. Determine Requirements: Identify the needs of your website and decide how important performance, scalability, and security are to you. Different web servers offer varying levels of support for these features, so knowing what you need will make it easier to narrow down your options.
  2. Consider Platforms & Languages: Consider which platforms (e.g., Windows or Linux) and languages (e.g., PHP or ASP) will best serve your website's needs. Different web servers may have different requirements in this regard, so research each option thoroughly before making a decision.
  3. Compare Hosting Options: Once you've narrowed down your list of potential servers, compare various hosting options offered by different providers and determine which one best suits your budget and capabilities. Make sure the provider offers adequate customer service and reliability as well as generous bandwidth allowances if necessary.
  4. Test & Evaluate: Before making a final decision, install a demo version of any prospective web servers onto an emulator or test server environment so you can evaluate their performance under real-world conditions with simulated traffic loads to ensure they meet all of your needs before making a commitment to them on an ongoing basis.